A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 177,783,865 Issue: 430 | 12th day of Awakening, Y12
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Cupid Gone Shoyru

by christian_boy_cookie

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Random Oddness
But if you can't read them, how do you know what they say?

by mistyqee


Surviving the Season: Anti-Valentine's Gifts
Unless you have booked a solitary cave in advance, you will no doubt be expected (and forced) to partake in this sickening holiday by your neofamily.

by neom_777


Simple Things
Snow whirled around the airship. Blizzard conditions, the captain had said when they'd entered the storm.

by kittengriffin


The Kacheek Club: Valentine Detectives Edition - Part One
"I'm pretty sure I'm in the lead for the person who's getting the most Valentines this year. I've been keeping tabs on Kalandria's box, too, and it's not even near half as full as mine."

by jenlin_25

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