Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 177,783,865 Issue: 430 | 12th day of Awakening, Y12
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Short Stories

The Rose


So engrossed was Sir Lucian Silveste in pruning his precious rose bush that in his surprise, he snipped off one of the red blossoms.

by precious_katuch14


Clink, a simple toss, just a flick up in the air with a forefinger and a thumb, it twirls above the well for a moment, reflecting the sunlight, dancing even as an inanimate object--and then it has fallen, bouncing against the stone walls of the Wishing Well...

by ginny_invisible
Trip to Turmaculus

The sun was shining brightly at their backs as the travelling pair could be seen approaching over the eastern hills.

by simplyalice
The Tale of the Odd Valentine

The Jelly Chia flipped the note in his gelatinous paws, his thoughts in turmoil. He had read it hundreds of times now, but the concept of a 'valentine' eluded him.

by dragonstorm_75
A Valentine for Dr. Sloth

"It is my opinion that the residents of this Space Station fear me enough to do anything I say, and I say that they must love me. And further, I say that they must demonstrate their love for me this year by making and sending me Valentines."

by mamasimios
Simple Things

Snow whirled around the airship. Blizzard conditions, the captain had said when they'd entered the storm.

by kittengriffin
Where The Weewoo Fly

"It seems I've got a rainbow weewoo on my hands. How did ya get in there?"

by sylviau
The Best Mistake Ever

"Ooh, do I smell CHOCOLATE?"

by hc_huggle
Why Do We Need Valentines Cards, Anyway?

"I forgot about it too," Clyde said sourly. "But our teacher reminded us. Now we've all got to make valentines for everyone in class."

Art by nut862

by nut862

A Complete and Ignominious V-day Catastrophe

Silence fell upon the table as both Jhudora and Sloth scoured the menu in search of incorrect subject-verb agreements.

by larkspurlane
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"The Tale of the Odd Valentine" by dragonstorm_75
A broken chair was dragged into the hall, its cushions tearing apart in some places to reveal the hidden springs. In the chair sat an ambiguous form, blue and translucent, gripping the arms of the chair with its formless limbs. Other than the crackling hisses and snaps of the fire, and the pitter patter of rain outside with the occasional thunder, there was a comfortable silence. "I am alone..."

Other Stories


Celebrating Shenkuu Style: Lunar Festival Fun
Since its beginning, the Shenkuu Lunar Festival has been one of my favourite celebrations, simply for its impeccable beauty!

by giggilogalmewmew


Great Beauty Bargains
If you want your pets to look their finest, a trip to the Beauty Parlour is in order!

by alt1981black


Above The Ashes: Part Nine
The silence felt louder than the explosion that had rocked the cave just moments before.

Also by imogenweasley. Art by imogenweasley.

by dan4884


Lani and the Beast: Part Three
Lani kept the garden in perfect order, and she did the same for her tools. She was a benevolent queen...

by selenial


Battle Potatoes: Mistaken Identity
Lesson: Look before you act.

Idea by neckties

by ivie_outrage


Happy Un-Valentine's day, everybody!

by torib1016

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