Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 179,262,770 Issue: 440 | 23rd day of Eating, Y12
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The Continuing Adventures of Grammar

by breloomy

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Hyperion: The Watchers
She held a wide-brimmed hat in her left hand, fanning herself till the gold waves of her hair bounced up and down like a breeze had blown by.

by micrody


Pets for the Ethical Treatment of Petpets
Something's biting me...

by sunnyforecast


Searching for the Isle
"I'll leave this place," Jasmine decided. "I'll be rid of the feeling that something is missing from my life, and I'll go find a better home on some other island."

by blue_brownie_


They look KIND OF like Molten Rocks....

by sceloglaux

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