A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 171,606,722 Issue: 178 | 18th day of Awakening, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Truly, it is not the title one bears that truly tells who they are, but the heart they hold within…

Donation Station

Think about it. If the Money Tree wasn’t there, where would we go to donate? The majority of us are far too busy with our own plans of world dominat- erm…far too busy with our own plans to go out of our way to donate...

Something's Fishy

Has anyone else ever noticed the fact that quite a lot of games in Neopia slowly seem to have more and more related fish things along their way? What is the meaning of this sudden outburst? Are fish taking over Neopia?!

One Potato, Two ...

If you're tired of counting those boring potatoes in straight rows and columns, tired of counting as fast as you can, only to be told you're wrong, tired of that yellow Kacheek potato farmer, then it's time for you to try EXTREME Potato Counter...

Other Stories
"Danae's Regret" by xxaquagalxx
Her smooth velvet dress rippled in the current of the wind as passers-by turned to stare at the beautiful Royal Aisha who was parading down the pathway...

"ENCORE!!: Part One" by ozzoke
The cast rushed behind the curtains to quickly change into anything they would think suitable. Knees shaking with fright and worry, Tomar turned to greet the king...

"Horrors of the Bathroom" by precious_katuch14
The horrible gray and black toilet did not only have huge teeth that displayed themselves when anyone raised the cover, but also horrible red lips...

Picked Out the Perfect Plushie?

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Toy Shop
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Great stories!


The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part One
Let's say that there is a knight who has forgotten his vows, and one not a knight who follows every code a knight should. Who is more a knight, the one in title, or the one in heart?

by fierwym


Horrors of the Bathroom
"Come on, guys," said Kat earnestly. "Now how bad can it be? It's not like it will drown, bite or smite us, right? It's just a toilet!"

by precious_katuch14


Give My Regards to the Ixi of Doom: Part Two
"What do you mean by that, Jerad? Have I given you any evidence to suggest that I was not showing respect for any of my student's feelings?"

by battlesunn


Soks- Where, Oh Where Has My Plushie Slorg Gone?
No Slorgs were harmed in the making of this comic.

by shimmeringstar224


As Much as a Bori Can Take
Bori not included.

by kudou

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