Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,488,540 Issue: 693 | 7th day of Hiding, Y17
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Pheyz and the X-Lab-Ray

by tizzlestix

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The Curse of Knowledge
In Faerieland there is an old custom that is still followed by all Faeries. When a Faerie Neopet is born, the newborn will be blessed with a special gift by a certain Faerie. Depending on the month they were born. The Water Faerie who blessed Arianna, her name was Peritia, spend a long time looking at Arianna when she was placed before her. "She needs a very special blessing." Peritia had whispered and finally she smiled.

by orisasda


Rainbow Pool Panic
All around Neopia, reports have been flooding in about a rogue band of Meepits attacking the Rainbow Pool in order to keep new pet colors from arriving to all the Neopets in Neopia. Several pet colors have managed to slip past the close watch of the Meepit army, but others have not managed as well and are still plotting on how to make it to the Rainbow Pool without having to battle with the ferocious army. The battle is constant and Neopia deserves to be informed of the current ongoing struggle for power, and the everlasting hope for peace.

by kadathewolf


Doc's Oddessy Part 5 - The Thrilling Conclusion!
Doc made it to the pitch meeting! Will his machine work?

Written by Homsar_Eggplant

Drawn by Fhujmasterofhedgehog

by fhujmasterofhedgehog


Top Ten Blumaroo Items
Just in time for Blumaroo Day!

Also by 987654321_hj.

by sugarycupcakes

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