Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,488,540 Issue: 693 | 7th day of Hiding, Y17
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Short Stories

The Curse of Knowledge

In Faerieland there is an old custom that is still followed by all Faeries. When a Faerie Neopet is born, the newborn will be blessed with a special gift by a certain Faerie. Depending on the month they were born. The Water Faerie who blessed Arianna, her name was Peritia, spend a long time looking at Arianna when she was placed before her. "She needs a very special blessing." Peritia had whispered and finally she smiled.

by orisasda
Transformation Misunderstandings

Ophelia the Kyrii was doing what she did best and seemingly without end: talking and brushing her hair. Morry didn’t know how she had the hair or the vocal strength to keep going on like she did, but she certainly did keep going, with a big smile on her face to boot.

by hybatsu
The Hidden Tower's Hidden Room

Yellow_Cheese_Burger was, by all means, a normal Island Aisha. His companion, however, was one of the most powerful and unique beings in all of Neopia: Queen Fyora. He walked quickly alongside Fyora, a clipboard in his hand as he quickly scribbled down the faerie’s instructions.

by goodsigns
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"The Hidden Tower's Hidden Room" by goodsigns
Yellow_Cheese_Burger was, by all means, a normal Island Aisha. His companion, however, was one of the most powerful and unique beings in all of Neopia: Queen Fyora. He walked quickly alongside Fyora, a clipboard in his hand as he quickly scribbled down the faerie’s instructions. “…the delegation from Mystery Island is awaiting a response, but I don’t know what to tell them. Geraptiku is an ancient civilization, they have as much a right to the island as the Mystery Islanders, we can’t just ask them to relocate. I’ll need you to do some research on the situation, Yellow, maybe draft a response, but don’t send anything to them just yet. I’d do it myself but I really need to address the situation in-- Oh my word, what is it this time?”

Other Stories


Unique Ways To Celebrate On Neopets!
I was browsing the Help Neoboard one day, eager to read the witty and funny replies of my fellow Neopians, when I came across a thread titled "Today is my Neopian birthday!" Inspired by this thread, I thought I'd write an article all about the unique ways in which we can celebrate things on Neopets, ways that aren't even sanctioned by TNT!

by indulgences


Interview with the Darkest Knight
The Darkest Knight is not a very well known character, but I'm here to shed some light on him!

by gorubeza


The Adventures of Trina: The Awakening: Part Four
The trio used the trees as their cover. With each step, more pirates became visible to them, many carrying weapons. The scattered pirates all marched in the opposite direction in which Trina was headed. The rain lessened as a black silhouette—a castle—rose into the scene. For the pirate’s headquarters, Trina declared, it appeared to be just as bad as them.

by ummagine3284


Mother's Balloon: Part Nine
Reyela looked from Kougra, to Kougra, to Yurble hoping for an explanation of the oddness that was unfolding before her eyes. She was provided with nothing of the sort, until the party began to move again and she got to speak to Medis.

by dewdropzz


Aisha Soup: Siren's Song
Didn't quite SEA the problem...

by the_shii


Cheaper Than Dirt
You've got to love a good sale.

by mythicalcanadian

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