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Welcome to the Family?: Part 2

by amarettoball

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The first breath was the hardest. They call the last breath ‘the death rattle’, but the first after dying is more than that, worse than that. The shock of it is only half the trouble. It’s like a small fire, or some sort of explosion, igniting in your chest. I saw a ghostkerbomb go off once, with a piercing white fire. It felt the way that bomb had looked.

by placebo_533


Altador Cup Players’ Favorite Gormball Player
Before Yooyuball and the Altador Cup there was Gormball and The Annual Gormball Championships! Though a Virtupets Space Station sport, many Altador Cup players would say that one of their inspirations was Gormball; even the famous Disco Ixi Altador Cup Commentator, Tobias Sigmir, originally wanted to be a Gormball Commentator.

by pikachu315111


Why Pet Collectors are Wonderful
Lots of Neopians collect something or other. Usually it’s something like an enormous number of codestones to train their pet, or perhaps 1,000,000 of their personal favourite item, or even items with a certain theme to put in their gallery. However, not all collectors hoard items – some of them collect pets! This article is dedicated to Neopia’s pet collectors and all the quirks which make them brilliant.

by katzam


After ACX: Part Three
Part Three - Darigan

The crowd always gasps when I appear on the pitch. Then they cheer, they’re greedy. You can almost hear their eagerness salivating in their roars. They know that the teams are dreading seeing my purple and black form rise off the pedestal.

Also by lil_em06

by swimmingstar01

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