The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,578,808 Issue: 699 | 18th day of Gathering, Y17
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Short Stories

An Angel and A Devil

Faerieland was at its absolute best. In the month of Gathering, leaves were beginning to turn their autumn colors and a brisk wind blew. Evening had fallen and while the festival had officially ended, some were still enjoying themselves.

by 77thbigby

The first breath was the hardest. They call the last breath ‘the death rattle’, but the first after dying is more than that, worse than that. The shock of it is only half the trouble. It’s like a small fire, or some sort of explosion, igniting in your chest. I saw a ghostkerbomb go off once, with a piercing white fire. It felt the way that bomb had looked.

by placebo_533
The Free

Good Doctor,

I recognize your name in the more sinister spaces of Neovia. It seems I’m unable to turn my troubles to any of my companions without having your notoriety run through the atmosphere. Thus, though as a proper Neovian I should be avoiding this entirely, I have decided to conspire with the forbidden.

by cherishtwilight

Caring for Kadoaties

Despite the piercing cries of the Kads, this was a dream job for one little Krawk named Kenadee. She had always wanted to work with Kadoaties as they were her favorite petpets in all of Neopia. And after all, they did need someone to tend to them while their owners were on vacation.

by atreyu_rules87

I cannot remember. My memory is shattered. Shards of scenes flit through my thoughts, never enough to form a full image. There is nothing here. I briefly wonder how I am breathing before pushing the thought aside. Better to worry about what to do.

by katie_kitkabug
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Altador Cup Players’ Favorite Gormball Player

The Altador Cup has become a Neopian-wide phenomenon, a Yooyuball championship which every world participates in. However the Altador Cup wasn’t the first championship that featured a ball sport as the main focus. Before Yooyuball and the Altador Cup there was Gormball and The Annual Gormball Championships! Though a Virtupets Space Station sport, many Altador Cup players would say that one of their inspirations was Gormball; even the famous Disco Ixi Altador Cup Commentator, Tobias Sigmir, originally wanted to be a Gormball Commentator. Some Altador Cup players are such big fans that many try to attend The Annual Gormball Championships every year. Every Altador Cup player has their own favorite Gormball player, and some were kind enough to give me a minute of their time to tell me who it was! So Yooyuball and Gormball fans alike, let me present to you Altador Cup players’ favorite Gormball players.

Other Stories


Altador Cup Players’ Favorite Gormball Player
Before Yooyuball and the Altador Cup there was Gormball and The Annual Gormball Championships! Though a Virtupets Space Station sport, many Altador Cup players would say that one of their inspirations was Gormball; even the famous Disco Ixi Altador Cup Commentator, Tobias Sigmir, originally wanted to be a Gormball Commentator.

by pikachu315111


How to be a Better Skeith, for Skeiths
Every Skeith is born with an inner feeling of Skeith-yness, and you have to let it glow and hope other Neopets like you for it. My Skeith, Filthy, and I have compiled a list of nine ways that you can really channel your inner disgustingness whilst softening the Skeith image

by codswobble


The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part Four
King John was pacing back and forth. Queen Clarissa was very distressed. Clarity had asked Terrence to tell her parents what he had heard. They did not take the news well.

by purplbrooke


The Trouble with Tridents: Part Three
What used to be a beautiful place -- shifting in different shades of blue, petpets dancing and twirling in the currents, and magnificent kelps and seashells shining in the sunlight coming down from the surface in colours of green, red, pink and blue -- was as it should be except for one thing: everything was purple.

Also by scherwoodz

by winterdreary


At the End of the Day
Narineth finds a kindred spirit in the equally muscular Uchiha.

by ezel68


Tooth Faerie Surprise Visit
Maybe she's psychic...

by roxanna203

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