For an easier life Circulation: 193,578,808 Issue: 699 | 18th day of Gathering, Y17
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Stay Strong with Team Brawn: Glasses Are Great

by alexise1998

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Tooth Faerie Surprise Visit
Maybe she's psychic...

by roxanna203


The Trouble with Tridents: Part Three
What used to be a beautiful place -- shifting in different shades of blue, petpets dancing and twirling in the currents, and magnificent kelps and seashells shining in the sunlight coming down from the surface in colours of green, red, pink and blue -- was as it should be except for one thing: everything was purple.

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I cannot remember. My memory is shattered. Shards of scenes flit through my thoughts, never enough to form a full image. There is nothing here. I briefly wonder how I am breathing before pushing the thought aside. Better to worry about what to do.

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Dubloon Training
Let's hope Cap'n Threelegs isn't on a diet...

by _clement_

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