Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,397,092 Issue: 764 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y19
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Desert Arms

by pafriskus

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Fishing Tales
Answering the #1 question of the reason we have so much junk in our Safety Deposit Boxes!

by x_mystichorse_x


A Baby and a Brute: Part One
The wind tore through the woods with a fearsome howl, rattling the leafless branches. Everything was white but it was far from a winter wonderland. A lone figure trekked through the deep snow...

by 77thbigby


So You Lost it All On the Wheel of Extravagance
All you wanted was some exotic fruits or bread to spice up dinner; one minute you’re making a beeline for Qasalan Delights, telling yourself, out loud, over and over, this time he isn’t going to get you - and the very next thing you know, you’re letting go of the side of the wheel, chanting BIG MONEY BIG MONEY as it spins before you, that darn Tonu laughing at your naivete as he greedily counts a bag full of your hard-earned neopoints, more than you should even be carrying in the first place.

by rhosymedre


Usuki Singing Stars #37: Like, Totally Goth
\Scary turned to stare at Gerald. The Aisha was wearing a black t-shirt with black jeans, blacks and white sneakers, and a red beanie. He looked depressed and (totally) boring, too. “You honestly think I can relate to that freak?” Scary gasped. “How in Neopia can I befriend something who wears black eye shadow??”

by downrightdude

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