Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,397,092 Issue: 764 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y19
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Last at the Training School

by kazemas

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The History of the Neopian Times Slorg
Who knew a slorg would love a crayon so much?

by tokyocathy


Lame Pun: New Sweater
One Size Fits All

by blackaavar


Balthazar Reborn
As soon as his breaths had turned into the gentle wheezes of dreamers, I knew it was time. The moon bore witness to my fleeting figure, noting without emotion my attempts to keep as quiet as I could as I tiptoed out of the room. It saw me find what I was looking for, and offered a handful of moonbeams to aid my inspections. I accepted them, though they turned out to be unnecessary. I’d already known it’d be perfect.

by sampleneopian


Desert Arms
Talk about misleading!

by pafriskus

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