For an easier life Circulation: 194,623,805 Issue: 781 | 12th day of Hunting, Y19
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by snwarren

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Dung-Give-Up-Hope: Tips for Finding the Dung Faerie
The Dung Faerie is as real as you or me, although extremely difficult to spot. Here I will offer a basic lesson in Dung Faerie hunting, AKA finding and photographing.

by timesamyth


Eliv Thade. Wasn't Always a Bad Guy. ...Right?
You know, I bet Eliv Thade isn’t even that bad of a guy.

by almightynyx


A Trip to Tyrannian Plateau
In honor of the upcoming Tyrannian Victory Day, I decided to venture into the Plateau to experience the culture, the tastes, and the sites of Tyrannia.

by hectic_haley


The Keeping and Caring of Candy Pets
Whether you own a Candy pet already, or are waiting for your favorite species to receive this new paint job, here are some tips for the proper care of a Candy Neopet.

by scubadove

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