Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,623,805 Issue: 781 | 12th day of Hunting, Y19
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Continued Series

Return to Lynwood: Part Twelve

"Search every corner of these quarters!” Isengrim barked as two of his packmates hacked down the door. “I want Vakhtang found!”

by cosmicfire918
Haunted Woods Hero: Part Four

Varicose quests through The Haunted Woods to save his friend, Hugo. What wouldn't this MSPP do to get him back?

by lily_death
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"Eliv Thade. Wasn't Always a Bad Guy. ...Right?" by almightynyx
"You know, I bet Eliv Thade isn’t even that bad of a guy.” Schyff, a blue Hissi, choked on the ghost pizza slice he was happily eating moments prior, however that may be possible. After a bit of hacking and coughing, he shot a confused look at the red Xweetok. “Yottir, are you crazy? The guy’s gone mad. No Neopet I’ve ever met knows what he was like when he was normal. If he ever was.” Yottir frowned and poked unhappily at his eyeball custard. After a sigh, he mumbled in argument, “But I’m sure he was just an innocent Kacheek before. I mean look how sweet those things are! They wouldn’t hurt a fly. They chase butterflies for crying out loud.” Schyff rolled his eyes. “Well if you’re so sure about that, why don’t you just go and ask him? It’s not like he ever lets his guests leave.” The Hissi began to chuckle at his own joke, but the strange look the Xweetok was giving him nearly made him choke on his own laugh. “Don’t even think abou—“ “You know that’s not a bad idea. Maybe I will!” Yottir jumped up from the table nearly knocking over his custard, catching it just in the nick of time. An eyeball from it, however, rolled out onto the table. He frowned at it in mere disappointment for a moment (for that was always his favourite part) before looking back up to Schyff. “If no one else knows, maybe I could find out. He could just be lonely in there, that’s why he doesn’t let people leave!” “Are you CRAZY? Mom would never allow that! If I were to let you go she’d probably send me to the pound.” At this point Schyff was also getting out of his chair, though not without finishing off his pizza slice. “Well she doesn’t have to know. And you’re not stopping me, I’m going whether you like it or not."

Other Stories


We Are the Waiting
This is a story about growing up and facing the hard decision of moving on in your life.

by lithoxide


Eliv Thade. Wasn't Always a Bad Guy. ...Right?
You know, I bet Eliv Thade isn’t even that bad of a guy.

by almightynyx


Just another plug for "cinnamon hearts" to be created as an item! Thanks for all you do for Neopia!

by doglover3662


How to Become (Or Avoid Becoming) an Ultra Packrat
There comes a point in every avatar collector’s life that they decide to go through the onerous task of stockpiling items for the Packrat avatar.

by andrewo94


The Snowager
Someone tell him to watch who he bad-mouths before it's too late.

by faeriegirl2000


Negg Hunting
Watch out!

by zusania

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