Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,677,420 Issue: 786 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y19
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Quiggle Squiggle!

by neptunely

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Altador Cup Fan
The real fun

by franzgirl


Travelling Neopia on a Budget
Make sure your pets have a great time without breaking the bank with these tips for some cheap but exciting Neopian vacations.

by 1isprime


Five Backgrounds/Foregrounds for Your AC Customizations
With all of the other events going on during the Cup, it is understandable that customization takes a backseat ranking up and being the best! Therefore, I have decided to write a guide that provides five different starting points to plan your perfect Altador Cup customizations.

by andrewo94


Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Robots of Heart: Part Two
Some of the hardest decisions any Defender has had to make during their lifetime is usually centered on a conflict between their duty and the right thing to do.

by orisasda

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