teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,677,420 Issue: 786 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y19
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Pocket Change

by snackbox

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Great stories!


The Overused Polarchuck Joke
Such a classic...

Also by neo_gurly48

by roxanna203


Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Robots of Heart: Part Two
Some of the hardest decisions any Defender has had to make during their lifetime is usually centered on a conflict between their duty and the right thing to do.

by orisasda


Guide to Customizing Lab Rats
Customization and lab rats are two ideas that seem to be incompatible. But what if there were clothes that could fit on lots of different pets?

by clara_quinn


Preparing for the Festival of Neggs.
Um..That's Not A Negg.

by lily_death

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