Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,939,286 Issue: 808 | 8th day of Celebrating, Y19
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by wolf_love4_life

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Ballindalloch:Part Six
The twentieth day of the month of Hiding marked two weeks and four days since the Larkins had moved into the Meridellian estate, Ballindalloch.

by dewdropzz


Every time...
Also by imcatcrazy11 and hawkydreamerz

by beanlein


The Magical Transporter:Part Six
Katniss was running to the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters. She just heard that the Defenders of Neopia had found some good information. It was possible that they knew where Calleigh and Amy were.

by hallie035


Pterible Puns
Sooo Ogrinal!

by voiceprint

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