Meow Circulation: 195,115,046 Issue: 823 | 13th day of Eating, Y20
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Bad (amazing) Quiggle Joke

by rowdy420

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Just mutant things vol. 2
Fashion is hard when your body doesn't fit the standard.

by jacquelineramrez


A Pirates Life - Egg Recognition

by piratesy


Pampered!? Me? Never!!
Keep them moist...

by hunnybunnie


My findings on Alien Aishas
One of my favorite things to do in Neopia is spend some time playing Assignment 53. When I gather up a bag full of NP my pet and I will head down to the arcade and spend hours trying to get the high score. (were still working on it). It got me to thinking who were these characters in the game? Were they real Neopians? I decided to do some research on these Aliens and I am going to share with you some of my findings.

by asparagushead

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