Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 195,115,046 Issue: 823 | 13th day of Eating, Y20
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Random Oddness

by mistyqee

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Great stories!


Pampered!? Me? Never!!
Keep them moist...

by hunnybunnie


A new background in the mall...
Some things are just not what they seem.

by littlegirlydude


Scary Tree Scary Tree
So like...

by kaddisti


Rediscover Faerieland In a Day
Although Faerieland was once voted the Best Place to Live, the number of visitors to the city and its surrounding lands decreased considerably after parts of Faerieland were destroyed during the Wraith Resurgence. However, all Neopians worked hard to rebuild Faerieland over the months, and after this year’s Charity Corner event, the donations from Neopians far and wide helped restore Faerieland to its formal glory, just in time for spring! Consequently, we decided to create an itinerary to help boost Faerieland’s tourism and to guide our readers through the best parts of Faerieland and how to make the most of it in a day.

In collaboration with lauren92_k

by mel_liew_ming_li

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