Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,265,935 Issue: 836 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y20
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Scary Tree Comics #4

by kaddisti

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Consolation Prize
Jimmy heaved out a breath, his red paws aching just a little from having climbed the path leading up the temple. He usually prized himself for his stamina, but after his journey, he assumed it was only natural to feel an ache. The long, winding paths were unlike the forests of Mystery Island, where he had lived with other Kougras of his kind. And, back home, there definitely hadn't been any bridges to cross, hanging high above an abyss.

by liezelotte8


One Roo on a Shirt
They think it's all over...

by apocalyp2e_arii2en


A Guide to the Faerieland Employment Agency
A Guide to the Faerieland Employment Agency

Is your pet bored? Saying there’s nothing to do this summer? Feeling like he or she has no purpose in the family? Feeling sorry for spending all your neopoints and never bringing any home?

Introducing the Faerieland Job Agency! While this agency has been around for a long time, people tend to forget about it.

by califorthehomeless


The Second-Hand Shoppe
The restrooms are on the other side of the Neopian Plaza...

by psychedelice

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