Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,265,935 Issue: 836 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y20
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The Perils of Mutation

by umbrex

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Reasons why Cubefish are underappreciated
Summertime is the perfect season to head off to Maraqua for a day of fishing! While there are dozens of species of fish and other marine life that call Maraqua home, the best of all of them is the Cubefish. If you've ever caught a Cubefish while fishing at the Ye Old Fishing Vortex, you probably thought "Oh, look, it's a fish that's cube-shaped", and tossed the fellow back without another thought. Or maybe you've never seen a Cubefish - a shocking thought, really - and now I've piqued your curiosity (muwahaha).

by asterozoa


10 Flash Game Avatars You Can Definitely Achieve
So you’ve hit a wall with your avatar count. All that’s left are those pesky stamp avatars and some flash games you’ve tried before but recall utterly failing at. WHAT TO DO? Well you’ve come to the right place! Listed below, in no particular order, are some flash game avatars that you can definitely achieve!

by stttarlight


The Second-Hand Shoppe
The restrooms are on the other side of the Neopian Plaza...

by psychedelice


hp increase
The BD Chat doesn't even know what made the old dome so good. They are angry ants without a queen, and I will be their leader.

by dfgh5067

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