There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,472,570 Issue: 853 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y21
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Mynciana Jones 's adventures

by famelik

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What To Do When You Win The Lottery!
Every Neopian dreams of being rich beyond their wildest imagination, swimming in neopoints and being able to buy any usuki or paint brush or battledome weapon they want, never having to visit the Soup Faerie ever again. This dream is realized by very few, and honestly even hitting the lottery won't give you that type of ease, but it will get you one step closer. If you can manage your winnings well then you could set yourself up for a very prosperous future.

by pixeldream


A Comprehensive Guide to Food-Related Neopets
I like food. And I like Neopets. Most of you reading these words probably enjoy at least one, if not both, of those things. That’s why I am here to tell you that you can get the best of both worlds by owning a food themed Neopet. Yup, that’s right. There are several species and colors of Neopets inspired by our favorite foods. With everything from garlic to coconuts to Agueenas, there’s a flavor for everybody out there.

by unfogging


A Tale of Tea: Part 2

Also by grimlane.

by dianalovee


The Woes and Wonders of the Lab Ray (Firsthand)
The first thing I noticed was the awful burning smell. It was unbearable. Something sizzled. I could hear crackling like lightning. My face was pressed against a cold, tiled floor.

by klarevoyant

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