A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,472,570 Issue: 853 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y21
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Continued Series

The Board Game Master:Part Five

Previously in The Board Game Master...

Roobina battled her way to the top of the Kacheekers tournament, securing her first ever trophy and the first of three necessary to achieve her goal of the Triple Crown.

by smoothie_king_xiii

Covert - Archives:Part Two

We flipped through the pages for at least an hour, reading and rereading key elements of the translation.

Co-written with not

by rs_rbn

A World Of Grandiose Creature:Part Three

After the harrowing brush with death I experienced last week on Mystery Island I decided it would be better to venture to a place a lot safer for Neopets like me.

by luuuvmebabe
A Queen's Ascension - War:Part Four

     General Hadon stood in front of Queen Sankara, arms folded. The Grarrl didn’t like the Queen, and it was relatively obvious from his previous workings with her brother, King Frezon, whom Hadon had admired as a war hero.

by dudeiloled

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The Best Neopian Annual Events!

On Neopets there are a lot of events and opportunities that come around approximately once per year, and if you blink you might miss it. People spend months preparing for these things, while others wait until the last minute to get ready for the big event. Some may present avatars, while others come with new outfits and paint brush colors, and some come with no reward except the joy of the day. I wanted to create this little guide of yearly events so you can be prepared for the upcoming year and mark off your calendars now. Before it's too late! I can't reveal all of the details of each events, it could be a deep secret that is too precious to publish in the Neopian Times, but it might be something you want to sleuth into on your own time.

Other Stories


Dracky's Tale!
The rules of the game were simple.

Dracky knew that all he had to do was scent to familiarize himself, and then go fly off around meridell in hiding while they came to find him. He knew this. Nanci had them all practice weeks before Meridell Day.

by lauren92_k


The Woes and Wonders of the Lab Ray (Firsthand)
The first thing I noticed was the awful burning smell. It was unbearable. Something sizzled. I could hear crackling like lightning. My face was pressed against a cold, tiled floor.

by klarevoyant


The Best Neopian Annual Events!
On Neopets there are a lot of events and opportunities that come around approximately once per year, and if you blink you might miss it. People spend months preparing for these things, while others wait until the last minute to get ready for the big event.

by fat_hungry_chicken


Understanding Usul Mania
When people first meet me on this site, the first thing they tell me is that “I have a lot of nice looking Usuls”. That is then followed up usually with “can’t you own anything else but Usuls?” Well, the answer is simply no!

by princessdiva7737


A Normal Conversation with an Aisha

by vamica1000


By the Book

by temporary_cruzee

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