There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,492,597 Issue: 855 | 8th day of Awakening, Y21
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The Real (Painful) Deal

by umbrex

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Brynettia's Book Reviews, Part Two
The long awaited sequel! (The first one was back in issue 684)

by golden1188


Green Chia and the magic cube
once upon a time

by famelik


The 10 to 20% effective guide to pay your Neo Taxes
Basically I haven't found a guide about how to find those random events that give you a trophy, so I just made it myself

by calcious_lalo


The Quest to 75
Eroberi opened the door to her trophy case and looked at her trophies, fondly remembering the frustrations and triumphs they gave her.

written with noitalletsnoc

by lissiwciorka

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