Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 177,074,046 Issue: 328 | 1st day of Awakening, Y10
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Gooples: Off the Cone

Gooples come in many colors and styles. They do not come in purple. If your prospective petpet is purple, it's a frozen snack.

by perdita136
Do Neopet Owners Feed Their Neopets Anymore?

The website was solely based on Neopets. And now we are taking them for granted- using them as a pass to get into the games and webbies.

by hiimhere11
Quiz: What Kind of Avatar Collector Are You?

There are many reasons for people collecting avatars in Neopia - and many ways to do it.

by anamya
Guide to Slumber Party Survival

You will learn how to avoid sticky situations and, well, basically how to survive a slumber party...

by jenlin_25
Making the Perfect Neohome

Try to have a theme.

by rebemwal
Coffee - Neopia's Secret Menace

"I've told you –twitch- I'm fine! I've just had... -hiccup- a lot of c-coffee today..."

by mary5999
Item Investment

The key to item investment is to look for two things: limited or decreasing supply and a steady or increasing demand.

by babyazndragon
An Analysis of the Neopian Economy

Roughly a tenth of the population has half of the neopoints. How did these people get so rich?

by mookie99
Running a Profitable Shop

You will be shocked with the amount of neopoints in your till each day. Your days of an empty till will be no more!

by jillian3_3
Tilting Terror Mountain

A beginner's guide to Terror Mountain Tilt.

by birthinganoctopus
Honoring Kacheeks: How to Celebrate Their Day

They're wonderful Neopets almost anyone can appreciate. So, how should we honor them...

by ridiculer
Is There a New Year in Shenkuu?

In this wonderful Year 10, Shenkuu will be celebrating its most important traditional holiday: The Shenkuu Festival.

by andybui1
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"Rai's Choice" by sweetpurple96
"Mia, are you sure about this? We could really get into so much trouble." A yellow Shoyru stood in the Hidden Tower peering at the price tags around her. "This isn't the Chocolate factory, you know. That stuff is replaceable. But if Fyora catches us snatching her stuff, then we could be sent to her dungeons forever..."

Other Stories


The Lupe of Terror Mountain
She was nothing more than a blue Poogle. At least, that what she thought of herself...

by ariss_foeltone


The Statue
I will never know what its motives are, and what its history is. There is only one thing that I will ever know is true about my house.

It is haunted...

by psychopsam


The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Three
Sand swirled around the Uni's horns as he skidded to a stop near them. He reared once, displaying the vicious flames which flickered around onyx colored hooves...

Also by chivo

by anjie


Masquerades: Part Three
"It doesn't add up," James said in a low voice. "I have a suspicion there's more than meets the eye around here. What say we do a bit of snooping, Deirdre?"

by punctuation_ninja


And the Rest...
Okay, that's enough gratitude. o.o

by zutaragirl


von Roo

Also by dragon_girl7377_7

by kevinlin1216

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