Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 175,300,931 Issue: 364 | 17th day of Collecting, Y10
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Eating Healthy in a Not So Healthy Neopia

Health Food Quiggle: No! There's no secret! It is almost all common sense - just eat a balanced diet.

by koitlumm
Wanna Be Funny?

You have probably been submitting funny captions for a while, but have never been chosen. That, my friend, is the reason that fate brought you here today to read this article.

by firon_silver343
A Beginner's Guide to Trading Pets

Make sense of the madness and hustle and bustle that is the trading game.

by ashesviolet
Gathows: Neopia's Forgotten Treasure

We all have a characteristic star shaped marking on our foreheads, which makes us easily identifiable. This marking isn't just for looks; it serves a purpose.

by ghost_spyder
Well-Rounded Neopets

Is your neopet really healthy? Many Neopians nowadays have lost the essence of caring for their pets.

Also by noob

by earthlingdreamz

The Wonders of Neo Fungus

Neopia couldn't be what it is today without this stuff. Why? Allow us to explain.

Also by cibola

by winslow_114

A Neopian's Guide to 'Pound Surfing'

Pound surfing is simply a name given to the process of searching the Pound for rare, high level and limited edition pets.

by shuvininababa
Jess's Guide to Guild Advertising

I’m here to give you a couple of easy tips on successfully gaining members in your guild!

by jessitude
Food for the Frugal

Tired of omelette day after day, after day, after day, after day, after- you get the idea.

by doopingla
Mysteries of Neopia Revealed

Attack of Neopian amatuer home video... oh wait, nevermind; that's the Neovision.

by argetl
Stage Frights! A Guide to Halloween Decor

I'm going to let you in on my secrets to a spooktacular Halloween display that will knock the socks off all of your neighbours!

by giggilogalmewmew
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"My LAST Shopping Trip to Neopia Central" by dave_ofwales
The wagon stopped abruptly, and who should open the door but some fool in a blue costume. Called himself the Pant Devil! Of course, I was in no position to challenge his integrity, and he demanded the item I held in mental contemplation. Now the simpler sort of folk would do as he asked, but being educated I knew how to solve this...

Other Stories


A Zombie-fied Candychan Tale
Zombie pets seemed to have overtaken Happy Valley.

by twocents


Memoirs of a Kad Feeder
Oh my gosh, have I ever mentioned how HARD kad feeding is?

by averryyy


Preventing a War: Part One
"Galgarrath!" yelled Lord Darigan, smashing his fist on the table.

by be2aware


Falling Rain: Part Five
Brai gulped uneasily at the spidery black shapes ahead of them. The forest. "Almost there," she whispered.

by mutedsanity


Bottled Faeries.?
I want to be a bottled faerie!

by pixiiediamond


Get in here!!

by mhchristine

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