Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 176,293,108 Issue: 421 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y11
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The A to Z of Galleries: Life as a Collector

Galleries are places where you can display your most prized possessions to other Neopians...

by luxury_tux
Raiders of Maraqua: All You Need to Know

In this game, you act as Karpoh the Koi. It's your job to navigate through Maraqua and find the treasure.

by typlohisioh
Key Quest Power-ups and Their Many, Many Uses

If you have played Key Quest at least once or twice in your life, you will know that power-ups have the biggest impact on the game...

by 5qua5h5qua5h
Secrets of The Money Tree

Basically, the Money Tree is just that, free money. It's an absolutely guaranteed 100% profit.

by futuretxgovernor
Kad Feeding 101

To feed a Kadoatie, you need to have the item in your inventory and click on the picture of the Kad.

by blackwater444
Your Personalized NC Mall Album Guide

Find out fun ways to personalize your NC Mall Album!

by babyozark
Unis Part 2: Subspecies of Uni

My research continues...

by fictiongirl45
Grapes of Wrath - The Ultimate Guide

Want to learn more about the Grapes of Wrath and find out the story behind the mayhem?

by jeschman
Interview With The Stars: Cog's Togs

Here with us today we have Cog, owner and creator of popular Moltara clothing store, Cog's Togs. Thanks for joining us, Cog.

by sadinei
Dueling On and On and On

In Dueling Decks, you pit your card against your opponent. Each card has three statistics on it: courage, charisma, and intelligence.

by terragainsborough
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"The Lutaris are Late" by mintacia
Panic hit the island, as Lutaris disappeared back into their houses, yelling to each other with excitement. Pets scrambled for clothes, backpacks, and their trinkets. Mothers instructed their children sternly, doing their best to prep the young for their first ever Create-a-Pet festival. "Stand up straight, brush your fur, always say 'yes sir'..."

Other Stories


The Gray Flower
I knew those woods like the back of my paw. There was no tree I hadn't seen. At least I thought.

by harleen_quinzel_32


Yurble and the Winter World
It hit him only recently that he was a Christmas Yurble; this had led to thoughts such as 'why aren't I on Terror Mountain' and 'why is it so warm in here?'

by 06dknibbs


Fireheart: Part Six
Today was a mock match between Sir Jeran and Sir Remus, and Lady Aroma seemed determined to drag me along and make it miserable for me.

by royal_magicain


Inheritance: Part Eight
Her limbs froze again, and she jerked to a stop. A low chuckle came from behind her.

by shadow_sabre_


The New Qnde & Szoo #5
About strange prizes

by shubi5


Blah Blah Christmas (Part 2 of 4)
You may have green hair but you're no tree...

by highwind20

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