Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 186,575,100 Issue: 506 | 5th day of Hiding, Y13
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The Ultimate Toybox Escape Guide - 852 Points

Nearly every other single game on the site needs some type of luck, whether it is hoping for a certain type of power up, bonus points or an extra life to play longer. Toybox Escape does not have this luck requirement.

by strokemypet
The Secret Recipe to Making a Successful Guild

Guilds are one of the most exciting parts of Neopets! They are often homes not only to fun activities and events but close friendships, memorable conversations and inside jokes.

by indicula
A Guide To The Side - All About Side Accounts

What is the difference between a side and a main account?

by draik_bianca
The Fun of Unsuccessful Saving

Really, what is the fun of saving successfully? Wouldn't it be much more fun to try unsuccessful saving?

by chaotizitaet
Top Ten Wearables For Babies

Many users have fallen in love with these adorable pets and now own at least one. However, for customisers such as myself, the challenge comes in dressing them up in the cutest fashions...

by auraichadora
The Stranger Side of Food

Bon appetite! I mean... enjoy the article!

by thediractor
The Dos and Don'ts of the Art Gallery

From one artist to another.

by pinkpaint
Blumaroo: Celebrating Blumaroo Day in Style

The biggest day in every Blumaroo's calendar is fast approaching; a day that revels in the greatness of our bouncy friends.

With help from kirsty_to_stay

by blackfriar

Fancy A Game?

Why don't you drop by and see if he wants to play? His favorite game is Dice-A-Roo, a magnificent game that really tests your luck!

by kazeblaze120
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"One-Way Letters to Emma" by hidden_0_o
"I know it's been a while since we last talked, but today I was cleaning out my Safety Deposit Box and I found something that reminded me of you. I am sure you don't I remember, but... Well, do you remember that Neopian Times Quill you gave me for my birthday? Wow, my birthday... It's already the month of Swimming, that makes eleven months..."

Other Stories


Born to be Wild
"But you're a princess. Princesses don't roar."

"They do if they want to."

by skittyfan100


One-Way Letters to Emma
"How have you been? I know it's been a while since we last talked..."

by hidden_0_o


Child of the Drenched: Part One
Below the waves a lone figure swam into the depths, a young blue Usul cradled in her arms. She kept swimming until she reached her home, the lair of the Drenched...

by kristykimmy


A Pirate Called Pudgywinks: Part One
"How much trouble could they be?"

by uberdancingdolphin


Searching for Islets
Items, items everywhere but not an Islet in sight!

by frost_faerie


Saly's Club: Links
I love interactive comics! Go Saly, you're almost there!

by djudju22_8

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