Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,939,304 Issue: 510 | 2nd day of Gathering, Y13
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Princess Fernypoo: Behind the Glitz and Glam

Sorry, Fernypoo, some things have to be said. ;)

by stipey33
Most Anticipated Events Left in Y13

The end of the year on Neopets is a most spectacular time.

Also by babygirl122187

by mythem

Top Six Reasons For Painting Your Peophin Royal

Known to be shy and secretive, Peophins seldom mix with other species, but they’re famous for bringing fortune and good luck to those around them.

by darkobsession
All About: Famous Kougras

A list of information about the most famous Kougras around.

by spirit_wolf589
Stowaway Sting Avatar/Trophy Guide

The aim of the game is to change the crates (the floor of the level) to a particular color and collect treasure within the time limit.

by terabithian
Gorgeous Gowns for Every Occasion!

This guide aims to introduce you to the wonderful selection of dresses and gowns that are available in Neopia.

by finchiekt
Finding the Perfect Paint Brush

Finally, the day has come to paint your beloved pet. But which color? Here's your guide!

by eatyourstoup
The Bikiwan: A Documentary by Patakpowder

A Bikiwan is right for you.

by geetagrapplehead
Neopia's Top 5 UC Colors

For all of the users who claim to hate all unconverted pets ;D

by dreampetz_
So You Think You Know Magic?

A quiz on restocking specifically at Kauvara's Magic Shop

Also by herseypark9753

by mithos__

15 of the Best Neopoint Backgrounds

Let your imagination take you away on a customizing adventure!

by pinkpaint
Stamp Phantasia: Mystery Island

Some stamps in this album are among the cheapest stamps out there; however, other stamps in this album are so rare that their price tags are in the hundreds of millions.

by kuroge
The Pros and Cons of a Krawk Island Neohome

With the new and improved renovations to Krawk Island, many Neopians are quickly packing their bags and trying to land a spot for their very own sea-side neohome.

by littlebitlux
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"Aisha Ambitions" by xxtashersxx
Adopted into a family of three pets much older than she, the young blue Aisha felt content in her new home, but also felt left out. She had received a new friend when she joined the family - a Slorg petpet she had affectionately named Louis - and she got along well with her new older siblings, but they were always busy. Mostly, she kept herself occupied playing outside with Louis; but, being that he was a slimy, limbless creature...

Other Stories


The Absolutely Terrible Quest For A Mootix
I jolted awake and leapt out of bed. Today was the day I'd been looking forward to for months! Today I would complete Illusen's final quest.

by sherocks15


A Bad Start To A New Beginning
"Tell those peasants that I'm ready to hear what they call 'jokes'."

by neeraline


They Think it's All Over: Part Seven
"Hoshi?" Shin asked, sudden worry on his face. "Is she in some trouble, sir?"

"No, no trouble at all," Jennings replied sincerely.

by herdygerdy


Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part Two
Nil waited anxiously outside of the Ogrin Master's room. The medic had gone in some time ago and she was anxious to know if the Master would be all right.

by yotoll


Gotta keep your priorites straight.

by neolupe829


A Gaggle of Gobblers: Floud
Flouds just float around until they bump into something interesting. Never feed them carrots.

by fireandice92

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