The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,824,348 Issue: 713 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y17
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A Tribute To The Ogrin

In this article, I want to bring the Ogrin out into the spotlight and hopefully raise some awareness about the species. Every Neopet deserves to be loved, and although the Ogrin does have devoted fans and doting owners, having a few more in Neopia wouldn`t hurt.

by aleu1986
Advert Attack - An In Depth Guide

Also by hummerthug

by wokitana

Character Creation and Development

Neopets serves as a great creative outlet for neopians far and wide. Here you can dress up, draw, code and write for your pets. The possibilities are endless. One major aspect of this creative outflow is character creation. We all love our pets to bits, but sometimes we get stumped on fleshing out a super rad character for them.

by vanillafilth
Hannah's Adventures: the Pirate Caves

or this week’s article we will talk about Hannah’s first game, Hannah and the Pirate Caves. This is a very old game, but since you can obtain a pretty avatar and trophies when playing it, the game hasn’t been forgotten by the neopians.

Also by guik44

by saudadesdagripe

Getting Started In The Stock Market

What if I told you that you can turn 15,000 Neopoints into 100,000 Neopoints through a simple game right here on Neopets? You don’t need to gamble your life away, or spend hours on flash games to do it. All you need to do is sit and wait for a while. You may think I’m making things up, but I assure you there is an easy way to do it.

by mob
Pass the Pound Cake!

If you’re like most Neopians, you probably indulged in many feasts, eating far too many Christmas cookies and helpings of turkey dinner. You might be feeling a little bloated and wondering why your pants are feeling a wee bit snug. You’ve probably even started feeling a little bit of food remorse. If you’re not sure, there are some common symptoms you can look out for.

Also by dutchese159

by krispykritter6

8 Easy New Year’s Resolutions Ideas

Picking your New Years resolution can be tricky, as we all know that they can be VERY difficult to actually stick to! Here is a list of 8 resolutions that are not only easy to stick to, but they’re also mostly extremely cheap or free (that’s right! You don’t have to invest hundreds of millions of neopoints into completing your stamp album).

by ahh_choo
Wintery Games - Snow Roller

It's time to roll!

by royal_real
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Hannah's Adventures: the Pirate Caves

Hannah has always been one of my favorite neopian characters, honestly, and I pretty much think her games are some of the best there are. Having this in mind and with my urge to write another article for The Neopian Times, I decided to finally write a guide for one of Hannah’s games. There was one problem, though - I couldn’t choose only one. So, the solution was to write a guide for all of them! That’s right! For the following few weeks you’ll be able to read my guide for all of Hannah’s adventures and I hope you’ll become a great fan of her just like I am.

Other Stories


It's All in the Presentation
A roar of rage came from the Rainy Hollow Armoury. Lofty wrinkled his nose at the sound and entered the long building. To his very great surprise, a baby Skeith stood in the middle of the space, meaty hands clenched, green eyes glaring. Lofty approached the other baby, unsure of the stranger. Then, it came to him in an instant.

by 77thbigby


A Weewoo flew through the window of a rather plain Neohome, toting the latest Neopian Times. Rimos took the newspaper, thanked the small Petpet, and went to flip to the comic section for a laugh that early morning. Instead he received a shock.

by azienskieth


Beneath the Haunted Woods: Part Three
There was no time to think; the pale, bulbous eyes and teeth sharper than razors were coming ever closer, slowly slipping out of the cover of darkness. For a moment, Clara was paralyzed. Then her mind spoke to her, muttering one word that gave her the will to move...

by shadowknight_72


Bottled Faeries Inc.: Part One
“So, what brings you to Bottled Faeries Inc.?” I found it hard to answer the question for multiple reasons. For starters, it was quite strange to see Balthazar, the infamous faerie bounty hunter, dressed in a three-piece suit and sitting behind a large mahogany desk.

by vanessa1357924680


Anniversary - Part 14
You mean I have to wait until September to get the avatar?!?

by caylista


Book House
By been a ghost, one should not worry of...

by oscaryg5

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