For an easier life Circulation: 197,466,050 Issue: 983 | 19th day of Hunting, Y25
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10 Things You Should Do Every Day!

"Stumped on what to do every day? There are many "daily" activities you can do each day on Neopets"

by bunisback
The Magic of Faeries

"It is likely you have encountered one of these pretty faeries on your Neopets journey..." Collab with lupekid_lover

by hottendott
Summer Fun Around Neopia

"Hello, all you wonderful Neopians! The weather has turned warm in Neopia, that must mean summer is here!"

by imbitter
How to Pretend to Be Sick

"We've all been there -- it's time to go to school or work, but you just don't want to...Well, here's one suggestion: pretend to be sick!"

by thedancing
How to Care for Swamp Gas Neopets - A Simple Guide

"Swamp Gas Neopets are notorious for their pungent odour. It’s the main reason why many Neopians tend to stay away from them."

by rurirawr
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"Rescued by Kindness" by totodileplush
The howling of the wind awakened the Green Draik from his sleep. It was dark inside the room, and where the moon was positioned in the sky, showed it was the middle of the night. A soft glow from the moon illuminated the snow build-up on the windowsill. The Green Draik began to rub his eyes softly as he raised his body from the warm spot on his bed. Looking around his tiny bedroom, he spotted a candle with a match and decided to light it. “I might as well stay up now,” he said to himself as he was lighting the candle. The candle showcased a room with little personal objects; a bed with cream sheets with a wooden frame, a tiny fireplace that contained a buildup of ashes, a wooden desk with a chair and a pink uniform with the name tag that said “Simonkun”. The Green Draik climbed out of his bed and walked over to the window. Snow was frantically falling as the wind was howling like a Ghostkerchief Petpet. The Draik looked over at his fireplace and noticed there was no wood to light a fire and a look of disappointment took over his face. “I knew I should have prepared for extra wood before this snowstorm arrived. Now I will probably freeze to death in this tiny cabin of mine!” he said out loud as if he were speaking to someone. The Draik walked over to the door of his room and opened the door handle. The Draik wasn’t being dramatic about the size of his cabin...

Other Stories


Rescued by Kindness
A heartwarming story about the transformational power of compassion and the importance of helping others.

by totodileplush


Where All Things Begin
The origin tale of a Pirate Draik...

by bymoonlit


Hannah and the Temple of Midas
Worried about an old friend, Hannah heads to the Lost Desert to uncover the truth surrounding his disappearance...

by pikapi20


Mae's Mysteries: The Case of the Missing Necklace
"Mae didn't sleep well that night..."

by satintiger


The Lost City, Part 1
What will Shad and Saura get up to next?

by ssjelitegirl


Upsetting Food Club Day
Gooblah always seems to get beaten by an unlikely other pirate!

by prulletje1852

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