Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 164,193,660 Issue: 179 | 25th day of Awakening, Y7
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A Cold Kyrii

I have a riddle for you...

by nancy_kelpie
Mootix Madness

Think what you like...

by leoness
Winter Wishes

Faerie Wishes...

by wizardmoncita
Burn Baby, Burn!

What NOT to do with your petpetpets...

by leedom111
Neopian Circumstances

Volume 7: The trickster Snowager!

Also by yayme101

by nefily

The Comic Of D00M

Oh Noooooo!!

by _dratini01_
Re@llY Cr@zY

That's why I don't....

by sukuyumaruchan
Some Things Are Impossible

Just how do I do this...?

by howling_voice
Ironies of Neopia

Isn't this fun?

by blubblub317
The Citadel Faerie: Part 3

Here's the last part. (parts 1 and 2 are in issues 77 and 81)

by cyberneko
The End Of Coconut Shy?


by k_aren_z
Something Has Happened

Don't look a Uni gift in the mouth!

Drawn by Sharakh

by tdyans

Down 4 Maintenance #4

A tale of four needy faeries and one hungry Gelert.

by sistagirl86

Yeah. Really fearsome.

by jupeboxgal
Faeriestones 5

Asilia obviously doesn't like algebra...

by allelementalfaerie11
A Proverbial Nightmare: Counting


by funandgames999
Totally Serious

I am the TAX BEAST!

Also by Cati65

by fluffycow

99 Bottles of Achyfi on the Wall #2

Is it a cinnamon or synonym?

by puppylover2830
Silly Ghostkerchief

Wake up!

by spoooked
Illusen's Lament

The things she deals with...

by imogenweasley
Neopian Wackiness

Tight Rope Wackiness

Art: stace2000

by cherv1

Virtu Agents

"The Agents Onyx"

by agentsaepenon
As Much as a Bori Can Take

Jhudora has nothing on this faerie.

by kudou
Faerie Woes

Woe#7: Job Hazards

by roller_coaster26
For Awful or Worse

I need a haircut!

by yoshiboy2000
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"Meepit Breakfast Brigade" by sonic102009
I unlocked the doors and walked back in the door. I realized I had forgotten and turned to fetch some out of the back room, when I heard the door open...

Other Stories


The Case of the Derelict Jelly Neohome
Ez racked her brains as she tried to recall the address her friend had given her. Was it 100234 or 102340 Coconut Road? She was probably on the wrong side of the neighborhood. But Ionana the Chia had told her that his home was superbly visible...

by kushbi


The Courage to Save A Life
As they boarded the basket of the gigantic balloon, Kacey felt a sting of nervousness about being high above solid ground in a tiny basket crammed with Neopets and their owners.

by bladedkittiz


An Ode To Instruments
Please keep in mind that this highly important message is not to be taken lightly, as it is one of the most important issues rising upon Neopia today... saving the music.

by o_apollo_o


Don't Feed Florg (Petpets)
Ever wanted to complain about the giant mutant Chia named Florg? I have, obviously…that’s why I made this article! Well, to tell the truth, it’s not all about Florg the giant mutant Chia, it’s about the game he stars in too; “Feed Florg”.

by asia_flash_forever


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Kidnapped Kadoatie: Part Six
In the living room, Tom and the four of us began to search for the missing Kadoatie. The mystery had been solved-the kidnapper found, but the Petpet was still undiscovered… and of course, our job wasn't finished until the Petpet was relocated.

by playmobil_is_my_life


Shades of Darkness - Shadow is Arising: Part Seven
The assassin crept up the stairs and into a sleeping Pudding's room. He stood over her bed with his dagger raised, prepared to do what he did best...

by jesse12_3

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