A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 177,073,856 Issue: 335 | 21st day of Running, Y10
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Razzle Dazzle - Episode XX


by khestrel
One Fish, Two Fish

Can't you try to look happy?

by fish_puddle
The Class of '08 Part One

Starring all of your favourite comic characters!

by _dead_meat_x_
I See Dumb People


by runoae
You'd Rather Eat That!?

That Ummagine looks better...

by superstarsusie01
Meet the Guys

Have you ever wondered what is scary enough to scare a Meepit? Now here's your answer.

by nadin_lucifer_hawk
Obtuse Lupe

The Island Mystic isn't always a fortune teller, you know.

by gerbilisious
Neoquest Nightmares - Talinia's Aim

Talinia learns to be humble...

by lauziloges
The Reason Why #3: Statues

Uhh, it's sort of a long story...

by synchroneyez
Cola Madness


by kevinlin1216
Eat the Madness

Orange Chicken

by umbreon54399
The Mystery Mystery Capsule

Because everyone loves a good mystery...

by kalis_coraven
Koijuro and the Meepits - Part 4

Koijuro's neohome is being terrorised by meepits and this is just any other day...

by newcomix
Koteex's Life - A New Friend

Sometimes things happen just in time.

by cevierakasky
Comic Relief - Special Animated Edition

Join Puck, Zu and Tod in their (mis)adventures through Neopia.

by hoeiva
Snot Fair

On second thought...

by leoblaze__84
Half Empty


by panther_puma

I wonder why we've never seen Master's face...

by sparexchange
Neon (#5)


by zzanniezz
The Meep Files- 2

The truth behind those innocent meepit hats.

by djmaggiekolmar
That's Weird...

The Dark Faerie cackles...

by __cuti3patooti3__
Neopian Oddities: Featuring Tombstones

Geez, those fangirls.

by zafaraluvur_8
Sketch Omelette

Please think before painting your pet sketch.

by seahorsepond
Two and a Half Gelerts

The Beauty Contest again...

Art by owyll

by silverqueengalaxia


Water does that.

by nickulla
The Art of Randomness


by wind_whisper
Rubbish Robber

Somewhere at the Meri Acres Farm...

by feverlama
Wacky Wheel!

Oh no! The Skull!

by shadow_sabre_
The (dis) Advantages of Being Ghost

It's always annoying not knowing if you're on dry land or not.

by bayfier
The Red Brothers: Truly, The Meridell War

You think you can defeat me?!

by themuffanicmuffinman
Baby Pteri's Easter

In with the crowd

by monkeybytes
Easter Surprises

Don't let this cookie crumble!

Also by jess3153

by crazy_kathy

Salt the Slorg: Screaming Contest


by summerchristmas838
ice cubes


by icecradle
Easter Neggs?

...aren't these neggs supposted to have chocolate inside?

by neofeather
Edna's Easter Quest

Happy Easter everyone!!

by smockey11
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"Waiting Up For the Easter Cybunny" by brokensilent
"Come on now, what evidence do I have? Where do I begin? The Negg Faerie, for instance; you thought the Easter Cybunny did the neggs, but I've already pointed out that she does. Many a neopet has caught their owners putting out baskets for them but not one has caught the Easter Cybunny bringing them any goodies..."

Other Stories


What Have I Done?
As she thought about it, they filled her mind and thoughts, everything she did made her think of her Peridot...

by knannia


Monica looked at the snowman. It had been standing, motionless, since she had fallen here. Its pebble smile shimmered in the night...

by goosher


Returning To Neopets In Five Easy Steps!
I do not support Doctor Frank Sloth in any shape or form.

by alexrules1234567890


Fifteen Great Non-Chocolate Easter Gifts!
As everyone is looking for tasty chocolates to offer to their friends, what about choosing something more original?

by anamya


Secret of Silver Crest: Part Two
Before they arrived, he'd told Lyara very seriously that he would prefer if no one else knew why he'd left home, and she'd agreed, just as seriously...

by laurvail


Strange Cases: Behemoth - Part Six
It was just information, he reminded himself. Being hardly a life-or-death scenario, was it really worth getting so worked up about? He'd be able to make do without the info, right?

by tambourine_chimp

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