Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 191,668,192 Issue: 614 | 27th day of Gathering, Y15
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Turning Pages - Part 11

The newspaper rack's demise will be our little secret.

by jupebox
Grumpy Mummy: Why So Grumpy?

Can you imagine having a bad hair day for a millennium?

Idea by dogcrazy04140

by mariella529

Just Sit

Celebrating on a budget!

by katopia12
Space Time


Art by dark_cat128

by ruben160

All the Weewoos of Neopia! part 1 of 2

So boring!!

Also by mumumuchan

by wistren

Elephante Jokes! (...part One)

What's big and grey?

by haxprocess
The Derpnuggets

Be careful what you sniff for.

by neojedi11
Kad Fishing with Glumpkin

They don't even ask for those anymore!

by ragecandybar
The Harsh Reality for Mutants

Wearables? What wearables?

by ottoshift
Lame Pun: Getting A Head In Life: Part 1

What's Different About Blackaavar?

by blackaavar
Heroes of Kiko Lake (Part 2)

Is that really your primary source of information?

by noobspeak
Cavities: Delivery Boy

Lunch Time!

by thegoddesofxweetok1
The Eye

It's a lot scarier if you imagine it looking in your windows.

by 0123kl
Mysteries of Neopia

Sometimes there are things that just can't be explained.

by dysinthi
Faerie Tales

So THAT'S why neoschool's been delayed...

by _defenestrate_
Lament of a JubJub

Forgive me.

by manyteeth
Two Cents

More like litter-bobbing!

by dynamo50
Paintbrush Problems: Magma Edition

There's a reason why they only swim in the Magma Pool.

by aeroon
Wez's Pets

Whatcha doing, boy?

by wezzled
Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P: Bros

They love their breadfish and they love their butterfish, but most of all they love each otherish c:

by shamaela
(IN)SANE- Spooky Food Eating Contest

Kiwi thought it was spooky food, not GROSS food.

by rocksockgirl95
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Scents You DON'T Want To Wear

For every delicious fragrance, there is at least one other that is disgusting in smell. With this article, I am hoping to help steer you AWAY from such aromas, to BANISH those offensive colognes, and to STOP you making stinky mistakes. So here is an essential list of seven perfumes that you definitely want to avoid!

Other Stories


It Could Only Happen to a Cybunny
"Ohhh," she groaned. "Come on, you guys, can't I even make a simple trip to the Bazaar without you making a mess?"

by robbie_roxburgh


A Darigan Citadel Tea Time Adventure
It was a beautiful morning on Mystery Island. Little typographic the pepper Chia, affectionately known as Poe, walked along the shore, hopping over shells as she went.

by alt1981black


The Quick and Easy BC Guide
So you want to earn sparkly trophies for your beloved pet's lookup? Entering the Beauty Contest is one way to accumulate a few shiny pet medals.

by _koolness_


Grarrl Day Festivities!
Ways to celebrate your Grarrl on Grarrl Day!

by mreilynne


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Against All Odds - Part Ten
"You're joining us in the field?" Aisheena asked. "Are you sure? Nefarious is pretty dangerous."

by kristykimmy


Agent of the Sway: Betrayal - Part Three
Thaddeus Oldnose and Alvare Thornpipe were waiting in the clearing near the Order's library when the carriage arrived. Oldnose kept glancing over his shoulder, as if they would soon be discovered...

by herdygerdy

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