Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 192,191,925 Issue: 635 | 7th day of Running, Y16
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My Big Little Sister

I was born on Draik Day.

by violetsigh
Loyalty With Glumpkin

There's always a catch.

by ragecandybar
The Woes of a Plushie Petpet

The Petpet Puddle

by invalid
Too Silly To Care #2

Always try to be humble, or you might embarrass yourself!

by nikkis_
Cafe Mont Blanc


by milaza
NeoDerp #1

Something has happened!

by snowypi
Fate of the Food-like

Why is that?

by _torchic__
Faerie Quests

Poor air faeries...

by jeanbesta
Danny's Days: That's all Yolks!

Some chores just aren't that eggs-traordinary.

by dannyphantoms_girl
What Problem?

I have a serious problem...

by mili61580_2_0_8
The REAL "Secret" Training

Do it for the gains - Swolenoids

by irasshai
Things the Island Mystic Says #4

The things you find in space...

by pinkie_diane_pie
Just In Case


by queen_potema
Adventures in Plushland

Better luck next time...

by ramheart
Rock is Tired With the Puns

"If you make one more rock or egg pun, I'm going to crack."

by supremity
Oh My Fyora: Goes Splat

Some quests are better left unfinished.

Written by feather_hearts

by pikemaster1

Quest for the Dung Scarab: Issue 4 (part 2)

Issue 4 (part 2): Sneaking

by cardquestmanager

Thanks for the stats...

by ghostkomorichu
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Gallery of Heroes

They all provide a symbol of what they have done to make Neopia a safer place. However, there are others whose praises of heroism remain unsung, and still lack proper acknowledgement of their deeds done for the sake of Neopia. So I will be talking about five very heroic Neopians who deserve their spot...

Other Stories



by chloemich99


The REAL Key Quest
"Come on, Poonga, the water will be fine. Stop being a chicken!" Chicka said matter-of-factly.

by klarevoyant


Ten Items That Should be Wearables
Have you ever come upon a nice item and thought, "I can't wait for my pet to wear this!" ...only to find out that it is not a wearable at all?

by xiaolin10413


Lost Desert In A Nutshell
Today, we'll be exploring the wonderful land of the Lost Desert, filled with rich lore and beautiful buildings.

by jrayeb3


The Lost Prophecy: Part Two
Screaming, I smashed through the spydery branches and crash-landed on something squishy and blue. Oh, no. . .

by cursedpens


Travels of a Would-Be Knight: Eddetha the Immortal - Part Six
"We're lost," declared Madge after the group had circled back to the same oasis for the third time.

by daniecelpines

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