Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,803,276 Issue: 796 | 8th day of Gathering, Y19
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That's.... not fair

Should be....

by sailorini_1
Spot the Difference! Vol #7

Can your eyes spy the 10 differences in this new eyeball busting series?

by snwarren
Dress up with LadyNibs: Part 5

5-Part Series: 5 of 5

by flopalop
Today I learned! Book 4

Learning is fun - book 4 of 9.

Also by fluffyluloo

by syariesx

That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles: The Return

The side account squad suffer from hiatus!

by pikemaster1
Battledome Adventures (1)

A common blumaroo finds out a fight tournament and decides to sign in.

Also by waitwut101

by fleohr

Guess the Character

Do you think you know everything about Neopia? Time to find out!

by dtrg
Don't Trust Spooky Food

Should've known...

by rebelchihuahua
My dream is to fly

Kindness is contagious!

by doug_henrique
Eyrie Eccentricities 5 - Mystery Mayhem

Palm trees, coconuts, and ghosts galore

by 360spinfish
Caption Contest Troubles

Uh...what happened?

Also by sanamm and afsheen_27

by admonisher

The Marvelous Misadventures of Super Attack Pea - 3

Lucy isn't super excited by Mr. Ellsworth's sense of humor...

Also by _aragorn_

by joslucca3000

Grave Danger

Surprisingly not as dangerous as you'd think.

by bobtehcat1
Tom Sacred: Origins

How Tom got into her current Predicament

by spidey1200
Sunny Side Up: Coffee

It must wait.

by amarettoball
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"The Untold Tales of Dr. Death" by vaeneficus
It was early August, and the last days of summer were setting upon Neopia. With the heat subsiding and the leaves beginning to turn colors, the change had come as a welcome relief. The starry sky shone down upon the clearing, illuminating the campsite of Evelyn the Aisha and her friends. They had ventured out to a small forest to spend a few days in the great outdoors. She crossed her arms as the Cybunny twins began making shadow puppets on the tents with their ears. “That’s nice, but we were supposed to be telling ghost stories,” she reminded them. Beside her, a small voice spoke up. “But I’d rather sing songs and hear jokes,” the baby Aisha said. It was Evelyn’s sister, Ivy, who had made the quiet request. “I don’t know any ghost stories,” Hazel (that was the first Cybunny) said. “Well,” her sister (Brie) replied, “I might know one or two.” The other girl looked at her in surprise. “You know a story that I don’t?” “Yes,” Brie said, keeping a straight face. Hazel snorted. “I doubt that. We know almost everything about each other. And I know that you know that we don’t know any ghost stories.” She took a breath, recovering from the statement. Hazel squinted then. Her sister was smiling. “The one about the jelly Poogle doesn’t count.” The two debated furiously over whether or not they would tell Brie’s story, but before they could make up their minds (or challenge one another to a duel) Evelyn decided to intervene. “How about I tell a story?” she said. “I have a good one saved up anyway.” “What is it about?” Ivy asked. Evelyn let out a sly smile. “Dr. Death.” “Yikes!” Brie said. “You mean that scary guy who works at the pound?” “The very same,” Evelyn said. “You see, everyone has a story. And even someone as cruel as that didn’t necessarily start out that way. Let me tell you about how Dr. Death got his mean streak.” The girls gathered close, watching the flickering of the firelight across her face. “It all began at an old hospital facility, in a place called The Wellness Wing. It was a program run out of a half-abandoned hospital in Neopia. Their main purpose was helping pets who couldn’t afford treatment. They took in all kinds of cases. And some got better, while others just vanished, never to be heard from again. To this day, some of them are still unaccounted for.”

Other Stories


The Lost Crystal of Krawk Island
Let me begin the story by saying Seth was no ordinary Skeith. He was not grumpy, or obnoxious, in fact he was happy, and filled with knowledge.

by salpal26


The Untold Tales of Dr. Death
“How about I tell a story?” she said. “I have a good one saved up anyway.”

by vaeneficus


What To Do?: Neopia Central
Neopia Central is the bustling heart of Neopia, it is the center of commerce and the gateway through which we all entered the Neopia world. It is often taken for granted but Neopia would not be where it is today without the bright and friendly attitude the city offers to us all.

by trixietrotter


A Veteran's Guide to Neopets
For somebody who’s been around on Neopets for fifteen years, it’s weird to think that there are still things for me to do. It’s been challenging, but there are a few pools I’ve yet to dip my toes into.

by vicunas


Master of Ceremonies: Part Two
Sunlight crept through the leafless trees above her and caressed her sleeping eyes.

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma


The Princess of Flowers: Part Seven
Unfortunately, we may never know the truth...

by downrightdude

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