Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 196,545,206 Issue: 821 | 30th day of Running, Y20
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Mynci's Joke

Hmm what could it be?

also by sthephanie

by neschulz

Non-Easter Egg

Rough Day?

Idea by darkobsession

by sana_took

How Gruel...

When you offer a shopkeeper too much on accident...

idea by cheeky_jess art by draggi_pi2

by draggi_pi2

A Known Fact

more jokes..

by avillainknownasmatt
Playing Sakhmet Solitaire when...


by lighters_
REALLY now??!!

Deep breaths, Lady frostbite, deep breaths...

by littlegirlydude
Visting faerieland after the wraith resurgence like


by littlegirlydude
'Charity' Corner

Don't look at us like that, you're guilty too

by liyashi
Temporary invisibility

It could be fun...

by ketchup547
Negg Hunt

It has begun again!

Also by teffybiskup

by millyhz

A lack of Interest

What could possibly be so uninteresting?

by gnorbu_yarn
Random Oddness: Wraith Resurgence #6

This plot step isn't too old, right??

by mistyqee
Slaying in the Battledome (Misunderstood: Part 2)

Let me at em'

also by taylermae

by star_tennis_player

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The Best Petpets 2: Desert Edition

If you’ve read some of my former articles, you might have stumbled across The Best Robot Petpets, a piece I wrote highlighting a specific subcategory of Petpets. Now, Robot Petpets might be cool, but why bother focusing on just them? As covered in the former, more exotic Petpets often go overlooked for those within reach of Neopia Central. When pondering what other varieties I should cover, one came to mind. So, in homage to my Desert Moehog Roheit, I present to you: The Best Desert Petpets. In no particular order.

Other Stories


Frustrations of The Resistance
In relation to the recent plot update! "With an opponent such as "The Boss", victory is not easy. Is it even possible?

by asiaxia


The Fisherman’s Tale
There is some truth in every story...

by k3l26


The 9 Kinds of Kad Feeders You Will Meet!
As someone who has been feeding Kadoaties for over seven years now, I have met my fair share of interesting people in the Kadoatie chat on Games board.

by ayakae


One Man’s Junk…

by 1jediboy


Before the Fall: An Air Faerie Story:Part Two
Dreams were worse than memories. Memories could be repressed, but dreams liked to take those haunting memories I ignored during the day and throw them in my face.

It was the first day of Advanced Weather Control. The buzzer rang loudly and Professor Avaray started with roll call.

by darigankat


The Aisha Twins:Part Four
After all this, we've finally complteted the Secret Laboratory Map...

Also by beanlein and hawkydreamerz

by imcatcrazy11

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