teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 188,131,375 Issue: 425 | 8th day of Sleeping, Y12
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Continued Series

Brightvale History: The Two Kings - Part Eleven

"Brightvale is a political tinderbox. Everything has to be able to be moved easily, or else we'd never get anything done."

by nimras23
The Wise Whoot: Guardian of the Elements - Part Six

Blaze sat there, stunned, looking over the Starry Lupe. "You're Star? You're Zihark's old master?"

by bluehamster9981
Yuletide Witches: Part Three

"The North Pole?" Stanley asked. "The Spirit of Giving actually lives there?"

by herdygerdy
Difficulties: Part Six

Why, this is easy, I realized. I guess it wasn't necessary to read all of those "learning to swim" books. It comes naturally for Flotsams!

by majikel
Irregular Bane: Part Five

"I'm warning you, Bane, quit it or I'll send you back to the Pound."

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

by saro_the_legendaerie

Above The Ashes: Part Four

"It sure doesn't sound like you're too motivated to find that beast," Elisse replied angrily. "I guess you don't care that it's now on the loose."

Also by imogenweasley. Art by imogenweasley.

by dan4884

The Fallen: Faint-Hearted - Part Two

"Are you all right?" the king asked.

Ashamed, Lure dropped his gaze. "Yes."

by ayame_23

The Captain's Son: Part Two

He searched each of the drawers. The Amulet was not in any of them! No... no! I can not possibly return to Auduna with nothing!

by winterhome
Mirror, Mirror!: Part Three

"It feels as though it's been years since I've been—" She paused. Her tongue traced the words 'back home' but the sound seemed to have been absorbed...

by shelbymcb85
The Gift of Winter: Part Three

"He's so small," the Snow Faerie observed, her eyes sparkling. "It's like he was a gift from winter itself."

by cheeseworld101
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"Revenge of the Meepits" by bearhollow
The petpet sitting across from me was a rather baleful little fellow, his short pink fur not disguising the menace that lurked in his great black eyes. He quickly devoured a Tigersquash corn dog, leaving crumbs about his buck-toothed grin. "Come now, Feepit," he began...

Other Stories


Pirate Letters

I'm not sure if you remember me. You used to play with me and Jacques on Krawk Island.

by jdb1984


In the Neopian Pound
She huddled in the corner of her cage (and it was a cage, albeit a comfortable one, no matter what anyone said), barely even glancing at the crowds of people making their way through the corridor outside.

by pokewomon


The Hidden Wonders of Baby Pets
It is a well known fact that babies are impressionable, and as soon as you have the "I'm your Momma" part down, then you have a clean sheet, ready for the recruitment into your personal army.

Also by daughterofearth85

by little_gothic_wowen


Key Quest: Keeping the Game From 'Ending Abnormally'
There will always be an element of luck, but by following the tips in this article, you can reduce your time wasted.

by dragonoftheseas2


Coconut Shy
Business is bad...

by leetmango


So you're the new person, right?

by candyplague

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