Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 190,365,559 Issue: 574 | 14th day of Celebrating, Y14
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Continued Series

The Golden Elephante: Part Eight

"As you so kindly pointed out to me, I have no idea how to use this thing," he said, jabbing the butt of his ornamental spear into the ground. "Odion is a fully-fledged magician who held your father down with magic with impunity."

by rachelindea
Retribution: Part Nine

It took a few moments for him to put a name to the voice. "Cam?" he asked slowly, eyes dull as they stared at the swirling power of the Three.

by kaylamdal111112
The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Two

"You're sweeping this under the carpet?" Septimus demanded. "We're scientists, sir! We ask these sorts of questions!"

by herdygerdy
Ruined Library: Part Five

"You're not Akorri."

"I am. I'm just different." A purple spark ran through his body. "But I know you don't like that. I know how much you miss who I was before. But guess what? That part of me is fading right now."

by aquadaika

Temptation: Part Five

After she'd gotten the Black Magic book back the night before, Kayli had become determined to finish the book and write down all of the enchantments, so she'd never be without them again.

by april_pumpkin
Honor Among Thieves: Part Three

Many of the buildings were boarded up, with signs on the boards saying the buildings were unstable. Nabile and Tomos went straight to one of these. Marlos frowned. "Is that safe?"

by saphira_27
Number Five: Part Two

Brightvale was the closet city within walking distance; I hoped I could make a few Neopoints there.

Smiling, I proudly walked down the path, only to be stopped by a Chia making his living as a bard.

by sarahbunnii

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"Keep Out! It's Best You Don't Know Why" by peronalodis
Neopets go everywhere, enjoying their lives as much as they can, with the odd adventure or mishap along the way. But there is one place that is near completely ignored, even feared by some: a small island just off the coast of Krawk Island, where the only distinguishable thing is a huge black sign held up by bones, with the words "Keep Out" written on it...

Other Stories


Keep Out! It's Best You Don't Know Why
There is one place that is near completely ignored, even feared by some: a small island just off the coast of Krawk Island, where the only distinguishable thing is a huge black sign held up by bones, with the words "Keep Out" written on it...

by peronalodis


Luminescent Tears
My eyes locked with a pair of bright emerald. They belonged to a Kougra, one that was glowing radioactive green.

by lion_799


Tips of a Gamer - Attack of the Slorgs
This is the last time those nasty slorgs will try eating MY crops!

by 9r_waka_tip


Caring for an Evil Petpet
A guide for when you don't know where to turn with your volatile Petpet.

by raspberrywatching33


Santa's Secret Helpers, 2 of 4
Can you steer this thing?

Written by tmarks

by izzywizard


Some neopets shouldn't get some diseases!

Art by mumumuchan

by magnetismo

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