Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 192,495,956 Issue: 650 | 20th day of Relaxing, Y16
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Continued Series

The Merchant's Mayhem: Part Eleven

"No one gets away with taking what is mine. Your parents may be out of my grasp, but they have been punished and will surely think twice before crossing my path again..."

by crazy_4_sushi
The Golden Quill: Part Seven

Fyora nodded in the direction of the faerie Grarrl.

"We come needing urgently to speak with the queen."

by ewagon

The Unexpected NC Mall Journey: Part Two

Once on the hot air balloon once again, Maggie sighed contently and considered what her day had been like. She had been to parts of Neopia she had never even thought of visiting...

by navygreengolf
Agent of the Sway: Recovery - Part Three

Clayton didn't follow the trio on their trek to Ilere's lair; he didn't want to run the risk of the Faerie discovering Sway involvement.

by herdygerdy
Caught Between Kingdoms: Part Eight

"Of all the situations I've trained for, nothing could prepare me for this." The knight's voice quivered. "And yet..."

by parody_ham
Child of the Drenched: Return to the Depths - Part Eight

Jacques walked along the beach on Zephyr Island, his gaze turning out over the ocean. The sun had just descended below the sea and left the sky a rich medley of pinks and purples.

by kristykimmy
The Cross-Painted Curse: Part Five

As fighting for War For The Obelisk raged on, our family fell apart.

by swimmingstar01
Concerning Smugglers: Part Four

The Lost Sail was pitching and rolling. The waves, which had looked so harmless only ten days ago, were now peaking higher than the mast of the ship.

Also by whitefriar

by kadface

Those Left Behind: Part Three

"So you want to be an actor?" one of them asked. Else nodded, and suddenly felt shy about being introduced to so many new people.

by frazeocity
Where the Wind Blows Wild: Part Two

Theft. It made him feel a little nauseous, really. Corbin and Kell regularly lied their tails off, but theft was another level entirely.

by saphira_27
Faerie Wings II: Rosia's Revenge - Part Four

Balthazar smiled widely as he pulled out a bottled Water faerie from the bag. As the four Dark faerie sister watched, the mutant Lupe placed a Water Faerie Charm in front of the blue bottle...

by downrightdude
The Great Game: Golden Quill Edition - Part Three

Also by rielcz

by secant

The Persecution: Part Two

Blast that Salvatore Malice! Doesn't he know not to stick his nose into places where it doesn't belong?

by racerfishy
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"A Rainy Day At The Zoo" by goodsigns
Rain pitter-pattered against the roof of the home in Neopia Central. Sulza, the Red Aisha, stared at the drizzling rain. It had been raining all morning, and finally Sulza called to her owner: "Lina, I'm bored!" Lina looked up from the book she was reading, a made-up tale about a Gnorbu prince, and smiled at her young pet...

Other Stories


Rejection Letters
It is with utmost and sincerest apology that I, King Jazan of Qasala, write to you to beg forgiveness for my utterly untoward acts in the last half of Year 7.

by cosmicfire918


Taunyia Gets Sick
"Cripes! Taunyia, hey, you okay?"

"No, Mama," the jelly Tonu said. She sniffled, sounding like an avalanche of rocks in the process.

by jarm9


Neopian Fashions: 650th Neopian Times Special Issue
The perfect Neopoint and Neocash clothing items, backgrounds, and accessories guaranteed to be perfect for any reporters' and writers' attire.

by petpet_master_


Fifteen Feline Petpets
Hello and welcome to the list you've never known that you've also wanted to read!

by pebblesnbambam1


A Fashionable Entrance
And now...

Art by dante

by j_harkness


Dinner with the Scarlets: Sketch Weewoo
Sketch Weewoos and sketches of Weewoos are the same thing, right?

by june_scarlet

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