The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,382,378 Issue: 763 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y19
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Continued Series

Nonlinear Companions: Dawn: Part Six

"It's starting to snow," I observed. "The Ice Caves are like, indoors, right?" Westron laughed at me, "Well, caves are predominantly 'indoor' locations, in fact, I'd go so far as to say it’s a defining feature of them."

Also by ukases

by _starryeyedsurprise_

Dreaming of Adventure: Part Four

“Hey, look who it is! Cairo!” Stevie interrupted Ramona and Sweet’s conversation and pointed with his stubby trunk. The adults turned to look and Stacie stirred on Sweet’s lap. The eventide Wocky had just entered the inn. The dinner crowd had just begun to enter. Sweet looked at Ramona and tilted her head towards Cairo. “Would you mind if I spoke to Cairo? There are some things I feel must be said to him. He is the cause of all of this mess that we are currently in.”

by 77thbigby
One Way Out: Part Three

As much as Merida loved traveling on the steam ship, she couldn’t believe it when she finally saw the shores of Mystery Island appear off the bow. “Land ho!” she yelled, from her precarious perch up by the steam stack, to anyone who cared to hear, “Land ho!”

by the_wingless_unknown
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"All For a Gift" by winter_pony4
“After all, who can be sad in the Month of Celebrating?” the Draik asked herself. Almost as if to prove her wrong, it was at that moment she heard the sound of someone sniveling. She got up and looked behind the building, only to see a Neopet curled up in a ball, with a hat covering her head and her face buried in her arms. The Neopet seemed to be weeping, so the Draik drew closer. “Um, excuse me ma’am, but what seems to be the matter?” she asked. The Neopet looked up, revealing herself to be another Draik - a Stealthy one - with her “hat” perking up as well, as it was actually a Christmas Ghostkerchief. As the two Draiks got a closer look at each other, they were both taken back. “P-Paldei?” the Stealthy Draik whimpered. Paldei stood there, mouth agape. “A… Asilvani?” With a tearful smile, Asilvani got up and embraced her younger sister. “Oh Paldei, I’m so glad to see you! These past few months have been so awful… I haven’t seen a friendly face in weeks.” Paldei staggered back from Asilvani. “Sis, I can’t believe it! You’ve been gone since the Month of Collecting! Everyone’s been so worried! Where have you been?” Her gaze drifted over to Asilvani’s left wing, which had a massive tear in the wing membrane. Paldei gasped as she pointed at the wound.

Other Stories


Like the Waves on the Sea
Shearing Day is coming, but are all Gnorbu's happy about this?

by foolsgoldbruh


All For a Gift
“After all, who can be sad in the Month of Celebrating?” the Draik asked herself. Almost as if to prove her wrong, it was at that moment she heard the sound of someone sniveling. She got up and looked behind the building, only to see a Neopet curled up in a ball, with a hat covering her head and her face buried in her arms.

by winter_pony4


Back-to-School Shopping for the Underfunded Neopian
Ah yes. It's a new year, Y19, and with a new year comes a school session back from winter break. Your young, fiesty neopets are sure to be excited to see their school friends again, and you can't send them out to school empty-pawed!

by citybound


The Origin of Neopia and Neopets
Many of you are here today wondering why you should read this article. You say you already know how Neopia came to be; the most popular answer being that it was created by Donna Williams and Adam Powell in 1999. Today, I am here to tell you that Neopia is actually two thousand years old!

by steve_km


Which way to Faerieland?
That doesn't seem right...

Also by _9_volt_the_gamer_

by marcthegr8est1


NeoPaper: Magical Faerie Communication Slate
Isn't Faerie magic wonderful...!

by mbredboy31

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