Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 102,975,150 Issue: 203 | 12th day of Hiding, Y7
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New Series

A Day in Another's Shoes: Part One

"Teacher's pet... No, teacher's faerie," the Fire faerie named Ignicia whispered as several faeries around her giggled...

by shadowcristal
Echoes||Betrayal: Part One

We stood in ranks ten deep and ten wide, the Syrokian recruits, awaiting orders from our commanders...

by freakogamer91
Stolen Treasures: Part One

"Coming!" Kara called back. She remembered that they both had kitchen duty today. It was one of their favorite jobs, as long as it didn't involve doing the dishes...

by uni_luver
The Rainbow Pearl: Part One

The Tombola Man snored softly on his mat of rushes. Clutched in his hands was the only thing that was of great value to him...

by charlotte203368
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"Faerie Storm" by just_waiting
Strident voices surrounded the palace in Faerieland, echoing off the towers and making their way through the clouds. Earth Faeries were arguing with Water Faeries because the grass and flowers were browning from a lack of water. Fire Faeries were angry with Air Faeries because of the winds that disrupted their flames...

Other Stories


Past Prosperity
I almost forgot to introduce myself. As I said, I don’t get many visitors anymore. It sometimes slips my mind. I’m TDMBGPOP...

by lytening10


Why I Rescue Kadoaties
If you think I do it for fun, you must be out of your mind. I hate Kadoaties. They're annoying, dainty, squeaky, attention-stealing, vain little critters...

by shadowcristal


25 Things to Do with an Unwanted Plushie Gallery
Save them for the next gift-giving holiday. Give them for birthday presents, for Christmas, and for the day that has been cancelled due to lack of interest! What? That's not a gift-giving holiday?

by puppy200010


Winning at World Challenges
A lot of people have questions about how the World Challenges work. They can seem pretty complicated, but I think they're worth mastering...

by pianoru


An Involuntary Spasm
Ever wondered what a Mutant Faellie with the hiccups looked like?

by moonlit_sparkle


The Yarn- Bed Bugs
Bed bugs, Earwigs and other things that go bump in the night.

by pieieieie

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