Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 111,611,307 Issue: 221 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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New Series

The Inn: Part One

It was a Christmas Eve most would prefer to not remember later on. It was cold and damp outside, and a blizzard was stirring up...

Also by dan4884

by chocolateisamust

Falling into the Pot - Edna's Story: Part One

My mother and father were standing outside the tent of a Neopian Seer. They decided to step inside for a bit from the cold...

by shrinkme
The Darkest Faerie Rises: Part One

She was a young dark faerie who hated who she was. She did not want to be evil or cruel; she thought that it was not fair that she could not decide what kind of faerie she was to be...

by ewagon
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Snowager Teasing 101

The first way you can annoy the Snowager is by gluing his treasure to the ceiling. I know this because I saw a bunch of meepits do it. (Notice it’s always the meepits who do stuff...and then humans repeat what they did.) When he's asleep, take all of his stuff, and painstakingly glue it to the ceiling one by one...

Other Stories


Meti and the Perfect Gift
At the end of this road sat a small hut right on the corner of the sand, and one of the windows cast soft reflected glow, gold in tone, onto the ground below...

by anjie


The Different Christmas
The residents of 84852 Aisha Avenue were all feeling the wonderful festive cheer, and each and every one of them were all bustling about excitedly for the day that was coming very soon: Christmas...

by blubblub317


Advent Calendar Prizes You Won't Recieve
But not everything that was suggested to be released for the advent calendar gets accepted. In fact, the truly astonishing reality is that a lot don't even get close. What exactly are these items and why weren't they released?

by cyneo_masters2


Spread Some Cheer!
Well, now that you have regained your senses, it’s time to see what this winter has in store for you!

by comput6712


Potato is the new black.

by spoonmunky


The Plight of the Snowager
Everyone has an off day...

Art by jjjellybean121

by eliza_clare

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