For an easier life Circulation: 111,981,549 Issue: 223 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y8
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New Series

Behind the Mystery of the Kougra's Paw: Part One

Fire Paw winced; he hadn't been able to pull his tail from view before they came. If they saw him, they would know him for what he was...

by inanti
Taking the Long Way: Part One

"Right now you could be wallowing in some mucky pond, but you chose to nose your way into my business...."

by senya
Midnight over Meridell - Chapter II: Part One

"It's him, Snickedy," the Shoyru replied. "He's getting slightly out of control, I mean, it seemed all right when I agreed..."

by ratling_guardian
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Light Source?

Lots of the oddities of Neopia have been explored, but a simple thing we appear to take for granted has been left untouched. I’m talking, of course, about light. Without light we would never be able to see – except for those species of pet with night-vision, of course. Yet a quick trip to the “Explore” page confirms this fact; Neopia has no sun...

Other Stories


The Secret of the Yurbles
It was a cool spring day and I, a young reckless yellow Yurble, was just walking through the forests of Meridell...

by pepper658


The Battle Faerie's Quest
Aloria stared quizzically down at the Kacheek. It had been a long time since she had given a quest; Queen Fyora wasn't too happy about the last one...

by scitzofritz47


Light: Where Does It Come From?
Being the wonderful reporter that I am, I have worked out several solutions to this puzzle.

by aerita


An Introduction to Xweetoks
There’s a lot of mystery currently surrounding Xweetoks, and many questions about their kind. Where did they come from?

by obviousfakename


Finny's Corner
Decisions, decisions...

by divisible_by_zero


Brightvale Blunders
Maybe you should be more specific next time...

by scubadive5

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