A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 119,338,143 Issue: 240 | 19th day of Hunting, Y8
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New Series

A Weak Heart: Part One

His bed was unmade, unusual for him. But he often disappeared for a midnight fly around the village...

by literalluau
A Quest Unlike Any Other: Part One

"I'm late, I'm late," he grumbled, before ducking into the shade of the Ice Caves...

by toffee_choc
The Forgotten Faerieland: Part One

Did you know that there was a time when all pets had wings and were faeries? These pets thrived in Faerieland...

by ewagon
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"A New Friendship" by brenicaevf333
"Oh!" Cleyluna let out a cry of surprise as a passerby shoved into her shoulder, nearly causing her to fall on her face. Catching her footing and clutching Elroy to her chest, who was panting heavily with fear from the near accident, she glared at the Neopet...

Other Stories


The Dice Bringer
King Roo slammed a paw on his throne. "This is so frustrating!" he shouted. "I just wish this would end and I would be happy!"

by keiga_clothilda


Miss Earthwing
Earthwing gazed out at the audience seated in front of her desk. "Now, class," she said in a prim, proper voice...

by oldnavyfan10


Conquering Your Fears of Carnival of Terror
This guide aims to help conquer your fears of mindless, Sloth-controlled robot Chia clowns, AND make major improvements in your high score.

by kamykins


The Vegetation Revolution: Smugglers' Cove
Swords, axes and shields: three obvious weapons of choice for your battling Neopets. However, the Battledome does not always work this way.

by mazoku_kuiin


Zeh Cute One:// Near-Sighted
You can climb without your glasses?

Also by hiddenstarz

by glowing_banana


Kawaii - New Toy
All my friends will be jealous!

by crow213

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