Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 142,557,853 Issue: 289 | 27th day of Eating, Y9
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New Series

Further Tales of Woe: Part One

What does loneliness mean to you...?

by jjquil
The Portrait: Part One

There was one other in the room, if she could indeed be considered an individual. Above the ancient bed upon which the elderly Aisha rested was a portrait. It depicted a young pink Aisha...

by really_awesome_d00d
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"Once Upon a Time" by _sunset_phoenix
Once upon a dream, when time did not exist but yet stretched on forever like a living animal, Anna the Lupe twitched in her sleep and woke up, bounding alertly to her feet. The green field around her darkened, as the sun sank behind the flat horizon. For a while, the field was motionless; in her dream-state, Anna dared not move, but whimpered in fear. She could see nothing, but...

Other Stories


Nightpool was the only Lupe in this valley. He used to be in a larger pack of them, but wandered off and came here. The other neopets welcomed him warmly and he decided to stay...

by wolvz78


Uh... Oops?
"Jefsy, take a look at this!" Momma said, holding up a giant Eyrie sculpture that looked as if it was made out of crystal. "Isn't it marvelous?"

by broadwaybaby986


Who Wants to Be a Shenkuu Warrior?
Never fear! This guide is here to help you consistently max out your score for this game.

by exoforce101


The One and Only Use for Gruel
As far as I know, there's no such thing as the 'Neopian Gruel Pound'. So how do you use the bundles of gruel gathering dust in your Safety Deposit Box?

by goldenpaw


I promise to feed him and pet him every day...

by lachtaube


Snowbeast Snackrifice
Ever wonder what the Snowbeast does with all those Snackrifices?

Idea by frzngonz

by scarvogue

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