The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 144,089,195 Issue: 303 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y9
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New Series

Eddie Quiggle and the Case of the Missing Petpet: Part One

I should have known that dame would be trouble the minute I heard her sweet and seemingly innocent voice...

Also by melbman

by anela19

Delma Harrence: The Younger Days - Part One

"Now go down and eat breakfast," said her owner, peering down at her and showing absolutely no fear at all. "You're going to school today, and you're not going to go out in the fields and play yooyuball with your friends..."

by shadow_sabre_
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"Origami Buoyancy" by jen4ever4ree
A young Draik sits at the very middle of the den of her neohome, making an origami neopet with nimble fingers. One sheet of square paper, bright red, sat before her. Now, seventeen careful precise folds later, she has created a miniature Gelert...

Other Stories


Gone Booktastic!
I trotted down to the book shop with my stash of Kreluberries, ready to dive into another book. The store manager Bernard looked up from his work...

by sharonvt


A Twist of Fortune
She stood and grabbed a large bag of Neopoints. "Well, I'm going shopping. I'll be right back..."

by kirsche474


The Tyrannian Music Festival
The Tyrannian Music Festival is always a feast for the ears, but this year's splendour was truly incredible. A stupefying 60,000 pets and owners attended the gig-fest...

by xscissorsforhandsx


Staying Out of the River: A Guide to Tug-O-War
It takes place in the Lost Desert. You choose a character to play as (every character except Brucey B requires a code) and start tugging. The object of the game is to pull your opponent into the river...

by surath


All the other pets have more toys than me!

by g_and_frends


Neopian Asylum
When you wish upon a star... be careful!

by gypsy_mystic

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