Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 144,656,803 Issue: 304 | 10th day of Hiding, Y9
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New Series

Pirate Steel: Part One

The young Shoyru was sick of being picked on. She started a class taught by Dark Faeries, learning secrets never meant to be shared. While this was going on, she locked up all her old pirate and Curse of Maraqua things...

by quinn9x9
Baery's Quest: Part One

He was born from the smallest of Draik eggs, into a family of Draiks. He was always the runt and the smallest of his older brothers, but he also knew he was destined to be greatest of all of them...

by jeanaet
The Voyage of the Fair Mortog: Part One

I live on Mystery Island. We don't really do facts here- after all, it's called Mystery for a reason. He might have been part of that reason. If he was real...

by ilovetoread_247
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Brief History of Neopia

In the Beginning there was... Sloth? No, your eyes do not deceive you! The first recorded life form on Neopia was our very own dictator, Dr. Frank Sloth. Some 2000 years ago, Dr. Sloth stumbled upon a very different Neopia to the modern day world. He landed his spaceship on the desolate and lifeless planet, and finding the husk of a world to his liking, he immediately set up a laboratory on...

Other Stories


Labyrinth of Dreams
The sky wasn't the blue of the day, nor the black of the night, the pink of the morning or the fire of the sunset. Instead, it was splotched with wavy colors that merged into each other like a negative photo of a rainbow...

by angelwater630


Shenkuuvian Luck
He was peering into tiny cages of Petpetpets. They were tiny little things and were dark brown. "I've never seen or heard of these before. Shenkuu has so many unique..."

by rayjquinn


Home Sweet Home: Choosing a Petpet for a Lifetime
At one time or another, we are all going to be faced with the daunting task of choosing what will, we hope, be our Neopet's lifelong companion...

by imsleepingbeauty


P.B.P.C. - The Silent Epidemic
It brings out the more annoying and generally frustrating qualities of the color that the pet is painted. For example, a large number of P.B.P.C. cases have come from Royal Paint Brush recipients...

by gracie827


Once you start, you can't stop... =o

by gelert548


Black and White: New Petpet

by azureel

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