There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 177,384,884 Issue: 315 | 26th day of Collecting, Y9
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New Series

A Haunted Path: Part One

He conjured the image of his adopted Aisha sister to mind. "Arabella was falsely enticed to go. She wouldn't have gone if..."

by ayame_23
Evil Death: Part One

Eliv peered over the desk. Something about this Bruce seemed very familiar. "What puzzle would you like me to solve today?" he asked...

by sirussblack
Witches!: Part One

"Imagine what people would say if they heard of witches meeting indoors and drinking hot chocolate!"

by herdygerdy
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"The Sinister Stamp" by twocents
RAWR! I stomp my *cough* dainty *cough* I mean, ferocious and fearsome hooves of impending doom, sure to crush all of Neopian kind! Mwahaha! Or so I wish. *sigh* It is hard to be a scary creature sure to wreak unnatural fear upon unsuspecting Neopians when you are on a tiny piece of paper...

Other Stories


One in Every Bag
He looked from her to the pumpkin-shaped bag of candy on the table before him and then back to her for a second time. "How much longer now?"

by micrody


Tricks and Treats
"Trick or treat!" they all screamed in unison. Without any hesitation, the Draik placed handfuls of candy in their empty buckets...

by ummagine3284


Fantastic Trick-or-Treating
In order to get the best treats, without having to endure any tricks, you must perfect your Halloween plans!

by giggilogalmewmew


A Guide To Owning A Sklyde
Let me refresh your memory. It's pretty much a walking, bad tempered, hissing skeleton.

by lupegirl10811


Just Click to Read
What do you do when you're out of candy and there's people at the door? Wreck something!

by buzzbuzz_g27


If you keep Petpets in your Safety Deposit Box, it's your own fault.

by xx_wolf_xx_cub_xx

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