The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 174,290,659 Issue: 388 | 17th day of Eating, Y11
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New Series

Ember: Part One

"Listen, Ember, you must never let anyone tell you you are any different, or aren't as good as anybody else, okay?"

by ralph89170
Of Mutants and Meepits: Part One

'If she is there, we will find her,' he said, finally answering Quentin's question. 'Let's go ask around.'

by d_morton
The Wish: Part One

"Thank you," she murmured. "I can give you one wish. But choose wisely. I will not give you another wish..."

by newmoon653
So Not Fair!: Part One

"But Eryn!" she wailed. "I'm tired of being brown! I've been brown since, like... forever!"

by majikel
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Smiling Grey Neopets?

Many Neopians have come to adore their irresistibly adorable grey pets. Whether it's because of their large cherry pink eyes, dismayed expressions, or eternal hopelessness, we have fallen in love. Grey pets are celebrated all over Neopia and even have their own special day. But since we are so used to their miserable frowns, I began to wonder, how hard is it for a grey pet to smile? In an attempt to express my love and affection for all grey pets, I have composed these fool proof steps in making your grey pet smile...

Other Stories


Spun Silver
"You've been looking out of that window for hours. Aren't you tired of staring at the rain yet?"

by kimssuperanimals


Running with the Pack
"There's going to be a field trip soon!" I told him, pulling the form out of my backpack.

by kittytamer99


Avoiding Grey Day
In order to save the cheerier side of Neopian society and save us from the possible horrors of our heroes turning to sobbing refuse, I have compiled a list of five ways to avoid Grey Day.

Also by phoenix_through_fire

by concertogreat_8


The Truth Behind Neoplants
Now EAT SUN! EAT SUN! Rawr rawr rawr rawr! XD

by xx7flame7xx


Neopian Anomaly
Darn oblivious, unappreciative tourists...

by lizica166


About That
Being a mutant...

by arcanneia

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