teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 174,142,867 Issue: 408 | 4th day of Gathering, Y11
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New Series

The Unconverted Shoyru: Part One

"Because you're unconverted," Nexter said, in a way stating the obvious. Asra noticed the looks of disgust on the others' faces.

by xx_neomania
Extreme Difficulty: Part One

I hear an audible slam downstairs that makes the entire house shake. Traders are usually angry when they leave...

by iris220_ll
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Bargain Wearables

I've searched all over Neopia to find the cheap items for the newest sensation to hit Neopets! No more refreshing for hours at the Secondhand Shop to only receive dung; no more wasting neopoints; no more envy of your friends; no more feeling guilty for not being able to buy your neopets customizable items. The next ten items are all wearable, and under 1000 neopoints!

Other Stories


Adventures of Tubby the Meerca - The Snowy Surprise
The twin Korbats waved at the little Meerca. "Oh, hi! This is our new friend Fireball the Scorchio."

by gigglygirl111


NeoSchool (Just My Luck)
The next morning, Neoschool started at 9:00 AM. I got up extra early...

by jamba_jukeba


The Neopian Food Review: Pizzaroo
The good, the bad, and the pizza.

by mrpanda1


Bargain Priced Wearables
I've searched all over Neopia to find the affordable items for the newest sensation to hit Neopets!

by allyssa_renne


Starry Stuff
But... This is what you asked for, isn't it?

by marilltachiquin


A Pirate's Life
Another Blumaroo Steak!

by xlaq

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